Direct Instruction Reading
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Novice and expert teachers alike get the detailed guidance they need to be successful teaching any child who struggles with reading in the alphabetic writing system. Unique in its approach of leaving little to chance or guesswork, Direct Instruction Reading details how to teach, what to teach, why it is important to teach it, when to teach it, how long, how often, at what starting point in time, and to what criterion level of performance. For example, teaching format specify a) example words to teach; b) explicit directions for modeling how to read the words; c) explicit directions for how to guide students in their responses to teaching to teacher prompts; and d) explicit wording for correcting student errors. The book is designed to give both novice teachers with limited or no teaching experience, as well as the expert teacher with extensive teaching experience the detailed guidance they need to be successful teaching any child who struggles with reading in the alphabetic writing system. This new edition features chapter Learning Outcomes; a new chapter on Response to Intervention (RtI); information relating the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to the Direct Instruction approach; web resources, video links, and other general research reference sources; explicit references and links to the most rigorous research available through the Institute of Education Sciences (IES); and updated research throughout.