Jack and Jill, a Love Story
Jill is 35-45 lbs overweight, strong and healthy from outdoor work as a landscape architect and happy with herself as she is. Jack, a hunk, but if you got to know him, was a highly intelligent and decent man. Coming home one night, depressed, after another failed relationship with another Barbie doll, he goes onto his deck, takes his guitar and sings a love song to the starry night asking, crying for the universe to send him a soul-mate. The next morning, a fire breaks out in the kitchen of a woman in the district where Jack is assistant fire chief. The woman, noticing that Jack wore no wedding band, asked him if would consider a blind date with her close friend Jill. They meet: are chary at first, begin to open up to each other, no game-playing, discover the essence of each other and in 10 days of fun and sincere communication, they decide to marry. In Part 2, they really get to know each other, their friends and plan an off-the-wall wedding. In Part 3, a family and other off-the-wall stuff and making a good life.