Saginaw's Changeable Past
Foreword: Placement of the term "changeable" next to the word "historical" in this book's title may appear repetitive to the insightful reader. Indeed history is an ongoing process. Communities grow, populations vary, and economies rise and fall. History captures and interprets the change that goes on around us. Yet in Saginaw "change" is the password that opens the door to understanding the community's past. Few cities have undergone such extensive economic fluctuations, physical restructuring and demographic changes as Saginaw. The exploitation of "inexhaustible resources," first by the Indians, fur traders and later lumbermen marked earlier changes. This bounty did not last forever; after 30 years of transition something even better came along. By combining text, documents, remembrances, and quotations with a pictorial narrative one can look back at Saginaw's changeable past. New faces and new technologies will likely bring additional challenges, but by looking at the past Saginaw's citizens can be reassured that the accomplishments and adaptability of earlier generations has prepared the community well for the changeable future.