Schools and Society
NEW TO THIS EDITION: New readings in the Sixth Edition: Moral Education by Emile Durkheim Social Reproduction by David Swartz Good Schools, Rich Schools; Bad Schools, Poor Schools: why America's Public Schools are so Unequal by Alana Semuels Coached for the Classroom: Parents' Cultural Transmission and Children's Reproduction of Educational Inequalities by Jessica McCrory Calarco Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools by Karin A. Martin Why Can't We Learn About This? Sexual Minority Students Navigate the Official and Hidden Curricular Spaces of High School by Ingrid E. Castro and Mark Conor Sujak Academic Learning and Social-Emotional Learning=National Priority by Roger P. Weissberg and Jason Cascarino School Boards: Why American Education Needs Them by Michael A. Resnick and Anne L. Bryant Perils and Promises: Middle-class Parental Involvement in Urban Schools by Maia Bloomfield Cucchiara and Erin McNamara Horvat Make Students Part of the Solution by Trevor Gardner The Changing Face of War in Textbooks: Depictions of World War II and Vietnam, 1970-2009 by Richard Lachmann and Lacy Mitchell Growing Income Inequality Threatens American Education by Greg J. Duncan and Richard J. Murnane The Rules of the Game and the Uncertain Transmission of Advantage: Middle-class Parents' Search for an Urban Kindergarten by Annette Lareau, Shani Adia Evans, and April Yee The Challenge of Diverse Public Schools by Toby L. Parcel, Joshua A. Hedrix, and Andrew J. Taylor Charter Schools and the Risk of Increased Segregation by Iris C. Roterg High Stakes Testing Hasn't Brought Education Gains by Judith Browne Dianis, John H. Jackson, and Pedro Noguera Beyond the One-Size-Fits-All College Degree by James Rosenbaum, Kenna Cepa, and Janet Rosenbaum The Not-So-Pink Ivory Tower by Ann Mullen At the Activities Fair: How Class and Culture Matter for Becoming Involved in College by Jenny Stuber Friends with Academic Benefits by Janice McCabe A Global Compact on Learning: Taking Action on Education in Developing Countries by Brookings Institution Too Many Children Left Behind: The U.S. Achievement Gap in Comparative Perspective by Bruce Bradbury, et al. The Paradox of Success at a No-Excuses School by Joanne W. Golann KEY FEATURES: Classic and contemporary readings are drawn from a wide range of sources, including books, journals, scientific studies and reports, and commentaries. Introductions to each chapter provide a holistic view of the field and demonstrate the interrelationships between the various issues in education. An introduction and questions precede each article to guide students and to demonstrate the article's connection to other readings. Updated current event readings and statistics throughout. Suggested projects for continued exploration are included in each chapter.