Demon's Touch
Shannon McLean had come a long way since she lost her mother. A while ago she'd thought she was alone in the world, a plain Jane with no place to go. Now she knew better. Suddenly she was surrounded by relatives: a crazy talented twin brother, Ian, who literally held the keys to magic in his hands; a demonic father, Connor, who had paid a high price for a one-way ticket to hell; and a wannabe big brother, Simon, who was not only half demon but also a hit man of some sort; and herself ... so not a plain Jane but a witch with ancient spells tingling on her fingertips. Oh, and if that were not enough of a burden for a thirteen-year-old girl, her father had sent her to London on an impossible quest. No matter what she did, or who tried to help her, she kept failing time and time again, and time was not something she had. If she ever intended to save her father from becoming the next king of hell, she had to act fast and do the impossible. After all, every witch knows the hard truth: demons cannot be saved.