The Science of Pharmacology
The Science of Pharmacology provides an up-to-date and in-depth study of medications, the scientific basis for the study of drug actions and their therapeutic uses. Chapters cover the many different subspecialties, such as drugs affecting the nervous, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems, effects on mental health and behavior, and toxicological treatments. It also touches on special topics like herbal medications and drug interactions. The Science of Pharmacology provides a new and comprehensive view on the subject area, along with supporting teaching materials like test banks and quizzes, and is hugely beneficial to any students studying the field of pharmacology or general pharmaceutical sciences.• Showcases fundamental information on the basics of the science of pharmacology, exploring the study of drug actions and their therapeutic uses.• Includes illustrations and tables to enhance learning experiences.• Offers study questions, case questions and other beneficial learning material for students, as well as test banks, PowerPoint slides and video content for instructors.