The Case of the Missing Coffee Pot
Just how does someone, who works for a bank handling money day in and day out, steal $100,000.00 in $100s and $50s without being caught on surveillance cameras or by your own coworkers? Daniel has to find out, or else his client, Melanie Thompson, a young vivacious woman, divorced and the mother of three young boys, will go to prison for the rest of her life. Melanie tells Daniel she didnt steal the money. As Daniel tries to put the pieces of the puzzle together, the case gets really ugly. The bank manager is found dead and now Daniel has to defend Melanie against the charge of bank robbery as well as murder in the First Degree. Daniel pits his private investigator, Jessica Kim, against both the FBI agent investigating the alleged crime and the insurance company who had to pay the claim loss for the money allegedly stolen by Melanie. To make matters worse, a mysterious man begins to pay Melanies legal fees. He remains anonymous by paying with cash slipped through the mail slot in the door to Daniels office. Can Daniel find the real thief before its too late? Find out in Daniels most complicated case!