Not a Trace
"Not a Trace" is a 2018 poetry and prose collection book from Scars Publications ( of the January through April 2018 issues of cc&d magazine ( Writers and artists in this issue collection book include Adam Szetela, Adrian Slonaker, Ahsan Jilani, Alexandria Simmons, Alicia Morrison Berdeguez, Allen F. McNair, Arpit Rohilla, Bob Johnston, Brian Looney, Brittany Micka-Foos, Calvin Becker, CEE, Cheryl Townsend, Christopher Hivner, Corey Cook, D. D. Renforth, DA Gray, Dan Fitzgerald, Daniel Ross Goodman, Daniel S. Weinberg, David J. Thompson, David M Jackson, David Michael Jackson, David Russell, David Turton, Douglas J. Ogurek, Dr. (Ms.) Michael S. Whitt, Drew Marshall, Edward Michael O'Durr Supranowicz, Elizabeth Krop, Emily Jade Walker, Eric Bonholtzer, Eric Burbridge, Erren Kelly, George K. Karos, I.B. Rad, Ian Bowman, Janet Kuypers, Jeff Dosser, Joe Follansbee, John Amendall, John Carter, John Grey, Joshua Copeland, Ken Allan Dronsfield, Kilmo, Kyle Hemmings, Liam Spencer, Linda M. Crate, M.C. Rydel, Matthew McAyeal, Michael Ceraolo, Michael Gullickson, Nicole Brissette, Norm Hudson, Patrick Fealey, Peter LaBerge, R. N. Taber, Ray Strawn III, Richard Stevenson, Robin Barratt, Roger N. Taber, Ronald Charles Epstein, Rose E. Grie, Rose E. Grier, Sarah Webb, Shake the Poet, Stephanie Mada, Suraj Alva, Teddy Duncan, the HA!Man of South Africa, Thom Woodruff, Tory Stosse, Uzeyir Cayci, Uzeyir Lokman Cayci, Westley Hein, Westley Heine, and Xanadu.Writers and artists included in this book are also listed with their writing at the Scars Publications book link (search for the book title in the books section at