Classification and Quantification of Landscape Features in Agricultural Land Across the EU
Agricultural landscape features are small fragments of natural or semi-natural vegetation in agricultural land which, compared to their relatively small size, provide important contributions to ecosystem services and biodiversity. They have long-standing historical and cultural roots in the agricultural landscapes of Europe, but with the advent of intensive agriculture, landscape features became threatened. Nevertheless, landscape features can have a major role in making European agriculture more resilient to the key environmental challenges of the 21st century, including climate change and biodiversity decline. One of the critical difficulties for protecting, restoring, or monitoring landscape features in agricultural areas is the lack of a harmonised understanding on its definition and main types. Operative assessment and monitoring require an EU-level harmonized methodology, tightly linked to the ecological functions of landscape features (i.e., the characteristics underlying their capacity to provide ecosystem services) in order to ensure that the resulting indicators will respond to the fundamental policy goals. In this report we provide an overview on the various ways how the concept of landscape features is present in EU policy documents, and the available datasets that can provide consistent information at the EU-level. We will lay particular emphasis on landscape feature typologies applied by these data sources: what kind of types they distinguish, and how these types relate to each other. The size limits applied by the various type definitions are also explored. We give examples how the available data sources can be used to estimate the area of landscape features in Europe, which also illustrates the importance of harmonized definitions and typologies. Finally, we propose a simple harmonized typology and methodology, based on the commonalities of the existing solutions and ecological considerations, which can be used for future policy applications.