CIAA 2003
The 7th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Au- mata (CIAA 2002) was held at the Universit ́ e Fran ̧ cois Rabelais of Tours, in Tours, France, on July 3–5, 2002. This volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science contains all the papers that were presented at CIAA 2002, as well as the abstracts of the poster papers that were displayed during the conference. The conference addressed issues in automata application and implemen- tion. Thetopicsofthepaperspresentedinthisconferencerangedfromautomata applications in software engineering, natural language and speech recognition, and image processing, to new representations and algorithms for e?cient imp- mentation of automata and related structures. Automata theory is one of the oldest areas in computer science. Research in automata theory has always been motivated by its applications since its early stage of development. In the 1960s and 1970s, automata research was motivated heavily by problems arising from compiler construction, circuit design, string matching, etc. In recent years, many new applications of automata have been found in various areas of computer science as well as in other disciplines. - amples of the new applications include statecharts in object-oriented modeling, ?nite transducers in natural language processing, and nondeterministic ?ni- state models in communication protocols. Many of the new applications cannot simply utilize the existing models and algorithms in automata theory in the - lution to their problems. New models, or modi?cations of the existing models, are needed to satisfy their requirements.