Our 360 degrees approach to lip enhancement Due to their complexity, the structure and function of the orbicularis oris muscle particularly caught our attention. This unusual circular muscle around the buccal opening, which is not attached to any bone, consists of intertwined fibres that simultaneously act as a dilator and a sphincter. Moreover, the peripheral fibres of this muscle are interlaced with the peribuccal muscles enabling the infinite variations of facial expressiveness. It is essential to understand all of these elements so that they are rigorously safeguarded when undergoing the various type of treatment we can offer. The second common thread in our book is based on highly practical aspects of the various procedures being proposed. From working environment and preparation of the equipment through well whether anaesthesia is indicated and what operating technique is recommended, the contributors have described their personal technical preferences in a context of consistency in this collective effort. Thus we have addressed lip rejuvenation and augmentation with the same balance. Although most of the authors routinely use hyaluronic acid in the course of treatment, it seems to us indispensable to pay special attention to techniques based on the grafting of adipose tissue. The use of adipose tissue, which demands mastery of surgical techniques, has shown itself to be efficient and holds yet more potential in many applications because of the way in which this type of tissue develops in situ after fat grafting. Physicians and surgeons involved in the lip enhancement are working to the same end. We should know all about the sites where we make our injections and to need to analyse with rigour the objective established together with the patient. We all have to take into account the natural balance of the various volumes when remodelling lips to ensure a pretty smile that brings pleasure all around. In this, as in other areas, modesty and caution are the watchwords. In writing and publishing this work Expert 2 Expert attempts to build a bridge between the anatomical knowledge essential to our praxis and the routine practice of lip enhancement procedures. Philippe Garcia, MD