States of Christian Life and Vocation, According to the Doctors and Theologians of the Church
"The few years that make up what is called a man's life, are of the utmost importance. They determine his entire eternity. Our Father in Heaven takes a deep interest in them, and does not wish them to be a failure. On our part, then, we should not misuse these years, and much less should we trifle them away. A pagan emperor mourned the loss even of one day. St. Paul tells us that all our time is given to us to work good." The book, "States of Christian Life and Vocation" is a compilations of teachings, for Christian adherents, on how to live their lives in a manner worthy of Faith. Compiled by Jean Baptiste Berthier, it draws its learning from the Holy Scriptures, Catholic tradition, the works of the fathers, and in the theologians and masters of the spiritual life.