Counseling Gifted Students
Counseling Gifted and Talented Students in Schools is a complete handbook for understanding and meeting the needs of gifted students. Combining conceptual foundation, research, and relatable vignettes, Drs. Peterson and Wood teach us everything we need to know about creating gifted programs, identify gifted students, collaborating with educators, and equally if not more critical, understanding the unique developmental needs of gifted students. This book gets to the essence of the "whole" gifted student and how critical it is to not only foster intellectual and academic growth, but health identity developmental and mental well-being." -- Dan Peters, Ph. - D; Licensed Psychologist; Co-founder/Executive Director, SUMMIT CENTER Goes beyond academic considerations to address career development and social/emotional concerns - Created to fill a gap in both counselor education and gifted education, this is the only up-to-date text to provide a concise and practical overview of counseling services designed specifically for gifted and talented students. Grounded in the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model for counseling programs, the book illuminates specific knowledge, awareness, and skills school counselors need to address concerns related not only to academics, but also to social and emotional development of this population. - The text delivers a theoretical and practical overview of gifted and talented education in the US and the responsibilities of school counselors as they pertain to this unique population. Going well beyond the common call to provide academic challenge, the book considers special characteristics of gifted and talented students as it examines the complexities of career development, college readiness, and concerns related to social/emotional development. It discusses how counselors can advocate for gifted students, lead efforts to match programming and needs, and collaborate with school staff and families. Vignettes depicting critical incidents and epitomizing needs are used to illuminate differentiated counseling approaches that support this student population. Each chapter highlights a key concept, and curriculum guidelines and resources for professional development support the text. - Key Features: Interweaves school counseling and gifted education research and practice - Considers characteristics and counseling concerns associated with giftedness Is based on the ASCA model for counseling programs - Examines the complexities of career development, college readiness, and social/emotional development in this population - Highlights key concepts and includes vignettes of critical incidents. -- Provided by publisher.