The Ancestors of Scott Wolter - Vol 2 Family Groups
Few individuals can document their ancestry back 85 generations. Even fewer can trace their ancestry to the Merovingian, Capetian, and Carolingian Kings, the Sea-Kings of Norway, the Ancient Irish Kings of Tara, and the Grail Fisher Kings of ancient Wales. These ancestry lines extend as far back as 780 BC in the ancient city of Jerusalem, at Tara Castle in Ireland, and Skarra Brae in ancient Orkney. Family names such as Wolter, Schwartz, Hanke, Kittlesby, Rolefson, Austin, Scott, Thorndyke, Madill, Easley and Russell soon give way to Grunewald and Albrechts from Germany, Brandt from Norway and Allington, Sinclair, Ruthven, Plantagenet, Redmayne, DeGotham, Waldegrave, de La Tour, DeVere, and de Coucy of Britain and Normandy - to Rollo, Halfdan Sveidisoon, Thorfinn of Orkney, Frosti, King of Kvenland and Owain of Wales. Queens, Kings, Earls and Templar Knights, Lords and Barons dominate the lines; all ambitious, powerful and enigmatic leaders of the past who encouraged and fought for the future that we enjoy.