Management and Organizational Behaviour
Existing literature on organizational behaviour is either lopsided or ignores the management dimensions. This book presents a holistic perspective of the subject to develop a correct perception about it, and is divided into twenty chapters. The comprehensive text covers the following topics: Introduction to Management, Planning, Controlling, Introduction to OB, Learning, Personality, Perception, Motivation, Communication, Teams, Leadership, Conflict, Transactional Analysis, Organizational Culture/Climate, Power and Politics, Introduction to HRM, Organizational Change and Development, Attitude and Ethics, Trends in International Business and Quality of Working Life. The book conforms to the syllabi of most of the Indian Universities and would serve as a useful text for students of MBA, M.Com, MCA, B.Tech, BBM and other diploma courses in management. It meets the needs of students, practicing managers and every person having an inclination to know more about the subject.