Critical Race Theory in Teacher Education
This important volume promotes the widespread application of Critical Race Theory (CRT) to better prepare K–12 teachers to bring an informed asset-based approach to teaching today’s highly diverse populations. Part I explores the tradition and longevity of CRT in teacher education. Part II, “Beyond Black and White,” expands CRT into new contexts, including LatCrit, AsianCrit, TribalCrit, QueerCrit, and BlackCrit. Part III looks beyond CRT to other epistemologies often dismissed in White conceptions of teacher preparation. Throughout the text, the authors collaborate across demographic lines to work together toward social justice and compassion. A closing chapter presents and synthesizes the lessons to be learned for teacher educators who want to prepare teachers to be agents of social change. Book Features: Presents the history and theory of CRT and its applications to education and teacher preparation. Moves beyond a Black/White binary to consider applications of CRT across various groups, contexts, and identities in the U.S. Expands CRT to include Indigenous epistemologies from a global context.