The Church of Santa Maria Donna Regina
The church of Santa Maria Donna Regina in Naples is a rare example of aristocratic convent architecture in Italy, designed and built for the devotional use of the Clarissan nuns. Its decorative programme rivals that of Giotto's Arena Chapel in Padua in scope, iconographical complexity, and quality of artistic production. The first book in English on this important church, this elegantly written volume is also the first full-scale study to bring together innovative interdisciplinary research on the building. The authors explore themes relating to the architecture, decoration, sculpture, iconography, audience, liturgy, and patronage of Santa Maria Donna Regina, enriching our understanding of the art patronage of royal women and the monastic experience of Clarissan nuns, as well as the politics, culture and patronage of trecento Naples. Over one hundred illustrations, many commissioned specially for the book, accompany the text.