Fast Facts for the School Nurse
Praise for the Second Edition: “[This resource] will direct school nurses to the answers for many questions and to wiser counsel when a dilemma seems unsolvable. It is authored by a school nurse of publicly acclaimed distinction who brings a lifetime of experience to these pages.” —Lucille A. Joel, EdD, RN, FAAN, Distinguished Professor, School of Nursing Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey This time-tested reference provides quick access to information busy school nurses need to practice competently and efficiently. Written for both new and experienced school nurses, it delivers consistently organized information in bulleted format. The third edition has been substantially revised with expanded coverage of first aid, depression screening, drug use, and adolescent sexuality. Authored by a nurse with over 25 years of school nursing experience, this resource offers clear guidelines to a full range of daily tasks and nursing responsibilities. It provides clinical protocols for safe management of common childhood illnesses, accidents, and emergencies, along with advice on legal and ethical considerations, documentation, and high-risk areas of school nursing practice. Also covered are the delivery of culturally appropriate care, screening tools, wellness strategies, individualized healthcare plans, and childhood obesity. The guide is also useful as a supplemental text for certification exam study. New to the Third Edition: New information on adolescent sexuality and gender identity Expanded coverage of first aid, including when to call 911 Depression screening, immigration laws, ethical dilemmas, and school shootings and gun control Use of medical marijuana, OTC drug use and abuse, opioid addiction and overdose treatment, and vaping Key Features: Addresses the five content components included in the National Certification Examination for School Nurses Covers guidelines, management protocols, and care plans for childhood disorders, accidents, and emergency situations Prioritizes responsibilities with a handy month-by-month task calendar Provides quick reference for health office setup, recommended immunizations, and national health observances Presents a technology chapter with information on reporting, software, and confidentiality issues