Van Gogh's Flowers and Landscapes
"Many artists feel passionately drawn throughout their lives to a particular subject or theme, which recurs constantly in their work. For Vincent Van Gogh the theme was flowers. Best known of Van Gogh's flowers are his sunflowers, the great golden blooms bunched in a vase which have become the glorious symbol of of his art. Alll the colors of the rainbow tint the glorious array of flowers--richly purple and violet irises and golden-orange sunflowers, scarlet poppies and delicately pink fruit tree blossoms, white roses and yellow daisies--which fill his canvases, including still lifes, landscapes, and even portraits. The flowers were painted in vases in his studio or bedroom, in the gardens surrounding houses in which he or his friends lived, and out in the coundtryside where his glorioulsy sun-filled paintings reached their unique perfection." -- from back cover