The Babbling Brook
Growing up on a farm. The fun, excitement and the adventures. Always having creative ideas how to spend an afternoon on their unique farm with the horses, cows and geese. All the cats hovered like birds over the girls high on the bank ears perked ready to spring for battle. Muddy and wet the girls crouch low on their arms and legs squiggling to scoop up baby minnows with their plastic cups. Mommy, I really think that we should put these fish in the house with Fish, piped the girls. I really feel sorry for Fish, he is all alone it that fish bowl, whined Kendra as her eyes started to wet up with tears. How would you feel if you were all alone? Kendra who is determined to bring justice for everyone even if it is a fish. I think she is right Mom, chorused Kaylee. After all what would Jesus of done. He wouldn't of turned them away and let them die. Ugh I thought. Imagine putting wild baby minnows with a large white goldfish. Some how my heart soften remembering when I was a child. I would rescued about any animal, even a dying grasshopper. Finally Fish had company. The girls played with their fish as if they were pet frogs. The Babbling Brook is a true story about two wholesome American girls living a unique life on a farm, learning ripe lessons and flavorful values.