Grassroots Success
The first of the National Education Goals calls for every child to be ready to learn when entering kindergarten. Noting that children are more likely to succeed when schools and families are prepared for each other, this book describes the grassroots efforts of The W.K. Kellogg Foundation School Readiness Initiatives to link families, schools, and communities in a variety of settings and populations. After background information on the national education goals, professional practices, and public policies that aim at providing high-quality experiences for young children, Chapter 1 introduces the emergence of the 20 Initiatives and their efforts to translate national aims into daily action. The second and third chapters discuss core strategies to prepare children and schools for each other. Chapter 2 focuses on family-oriented strategies, such as strengthening families, including communities for the children's progress, and promoting cultural competence by using culturally sensitive strategies and materials. Chapter 3 discusses strategies that engage the community, such as building on community assets, assessing community resources, and collaborating with local agencies and programs. In addition, emphasis is placed on working for results, looking for partners, generating publicity, and creating a bigger dream by nurturing local leadership. An appendix contains descriptions of each Initiative, including names of contact persons, the population served, and the nature of the initiatives and their successes. (BAC)