Strong is a story about a young girl called Lexii with big dreams for her future and her dancing career. She has been dreaming about gaining a place in Oakhill Dance Academy, the best dance school in Australia for girls over the age of twelve, since she was just a little girl. It is just a few months until the auditions and Lexii just about has it all. Great friends, private dance coach, a loving family. She is top of the class in many subjects and is extremely talented at dance. She had a gift when it came to movement. But then it all happened. Her life went downhill from there. It started off with her older brother Sam, being sent off to a boarding school, all the way to the country, because of his unruly behaviour and passionate beliefs, leaving Lexii as an only child. Lexii doesn’t know how to cope; she idolized her brother. She wasn’t one of those kind of girls who always fought with their siblings. On top of that a string of disasters came her way including her best friend Rianna being diagnosed with Leukemia, her dance school closing down, and her being rushed to hospital with concussion. Lexii is literally just about to give up on the concept of getting into Oakhill. At that moment she had an empty hole in her stomach, one that couldn’t be mended no matter how hard she tried to be optimistic. Dance just wasn’t an option at the moment. Plus there was no possible way that she could even make the auditions. She had no one to coach her, no-where to practice, and more importantly no one to support her. Then her number one, arch-enemy, Dana comes along and confronts Lexii with a shocking fact and Lexii immediately is stabbed with guilt and as well as that, disappointment in herself. The two girls decide to pair up and create a dance together, hoping to still have a chance to win the auditions. Dana and Lexii surprisingly have a great time together; each rehearsal brings them closer together. They even almost die together, when they are stranded in a building that is about to be bulldozed right to the ground. But then someone saves them. Can you guess who it is? The audition day comes and the two friends are just about ready. They make their way up to the audition hall and later their names are called. As they are dancing their dance Lexii trips,causing them to be disqualified. But it doesn’t stop there. The characters in the book are completely just created from my imagination. I created Rianna, Lexii’s best friend, to be someone who everyone wants to be friends with, and the Diva’s, the most popular group in Lexii’s school, to be fierce and cruel; the kind of people who everyone is afraid of but secretly admires. I am hoping that this book appeals to a wide range of people. The age group that I tried to target is from girls and boys as young as eight years old all through to people who are fourteen years old. Anyone who loves dance could relate to Lexii and anyone who feels that their life is just way to dull for words could probably learn a few lessons or two. Mainly this book is for those who love to read genres of all kinds. Fear, death, depression, sicknesses, talent, family, excitement and happiness. It is all in this book. The main message that I tried to get across is that no matter how hard your life is, how unfortunate things may seem in you life, don’t stop believing in yourself. Always have faith that you can achieve your dreams because if you really work for it, nothing is impossible. I also tried to put across the idea that it is better to never judge someone when you hardly even know them. In the book Lexii completely judges Dana without even really knowing her. It turned out that the perfect life that Lexii thought Dana had wasn’t really perfect at all. In fact far from it. I wrote this book because I always wanted to be an author. I dreamed about the thought of being one since I was about seven. That’s when I really started to get into writing. To be honest I wasn