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Classroom Memes for Edgy Teens
Memes-- they seem to have captured the imagination of young people worldwide. But what exactly are "memes?" How do they work? Can they support learning? You are likely already familiar with at least a meme or two: a Shiba Inu dog expressing its surprise with a "wow" in Comic Sans. A highly-focused toddler with a fistful of sand, bookended by mild surprise that something went better than expected. ("I was late to work"/ "Boss was even later.") The outpouring of grief for a gorilla killed at the Cincinnati Zoo, elevated to a tragicomic martyr. Perhaps the most common meme to reach the playground or the hallway--a football player's victory dance, turned into a playful celebration with the "Dab." This short volume will explain what a meme is, and how to avoid looking foolish by using a meme incorrectly.
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Notebook Planner NCLEX Then Chill Funny Nurse Meme Joke for RN LPN PN
Notebook Planner NCLEX Then Chill Funny Nurse Meme Joke for RN LPN PN. High quality paper means minimal show-through even when you use heavy ink! It makes a great Christmas Gift, back to school holiday, graduation, beginning of the school year gift forfamily, friends, your mother, sister, girlfriend, cat loving girl, boy, children
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Atoms of Haiku Volume II
Atoms of Haiku Volume II
Author's United is proudly presenting the fifth anthology "Atoms of Haiku - Volume II" in continuation of its previous efforts. This anthology is a continuation of success story of Atoms of Haiku - Volume I. Haiku is the latest form of poetry that has come from the past and it is spreading throughout the world. Author's United has teamed up with the seasoned editors like Archana Kapoor Nagpal, and Hammad Khan to create a blend of Haiku with different styles into one book. It is an honor to thank all the 19 authors who contributed to this anthology - Adjei Agyei-Baah, Aparna Pathak, Archana Kapoor Nagpal, Christine L. Villa, Damir Janjalija, David Ishaya Osu, Emmanuel Jessie Kalusian, Hammad Khan, Jane Meme, Kala Ramesh, Maria Tomczak, Pat Geyer, Pravat Kumar Padhy, Saffiyyah Patel, Sandip Chauhan, Sanjukta Asopa, Sehrish Sarvar, Srinivasa Rao Sambangi and Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy.
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COCK WHISPERER Funny Rooster Sexy Farmer Meme Gift
COCK WHISPERER Funny Rooster Sexy Farmer Meme Gift/h3>
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Atoms of Haiku
Atoms of Haiku
Haiku is not a shriek, a howl, a sigh, or a yawn; rather, it is the deep breath of life. - Santoka Taneda Atoms of Haiku is the delicious combination of Haiku from 19 Haijn all around the world. A Haijin tries to capture a present moment and write a haiku about it. Haiku connects Haijin to their surroundings. Atoms of Haiku is like a rejuvenation process for body, mind and soul. Author's United has collected the best one hundred and fifty seven haiku for their readers in this book. This book will certainly enlighten you about the oldest form of poetry. Haiku gives your normal observations a second view and enable you to write through your eyes. No matter what your reason is for reading Atoms of Haiku, you will find this book - inspiring, enlightening and insightful. Enjoy the pictures drawn in words from the master painters all around the world. Truly the Haijin paint with the words as you will come to know after reading this book. "Real haiku is the soul of poetry. Anything that is not actually present in one's heart is not haiku. The moon glows, flowers bloom, insects cry, water flows. There is no place we cannot find flowers or think of the moon. This is the essence of haiku. Go beyond the restrictions of your era, forget about purpose or meaning, separate yourself from historical limitations-there you will find the essence of true art, religion, and science." - Santoka Taneda
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Notebook Planner Funny Amelia Earhart Internet Meme Sunglasses
Notebook Planner Funny Amelia Earhart Internet Meme Sunglasses. High quality paper means minimal show-through even when you use heavy ink! It makes a great Christmas Gift, back to school holiday, graduation, beginning of the school year gift forfamily, friends, your mother, sister, girlfriend, cat loving girl, boy, children
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Notebook Planner Workout Motivation Quotes Fitness Meme Funny Workout
Notebook Planner Workout Motivation Quotes Fitness Meme Funny Workout. High quality paper means minimal show-through even when you use heavy ink! It makes a great Christmas Gift, back to school holiday, graduation, beginning of the school year gift forfamily, friends, your mother, sister, girlfriend, cat loving girl, boy, children
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Cherished Family Stories for Our Cherished Children
Cherished Family Stories for Our Cherished Children
Inspired by her mother’s numerous tales of growing up in Nebraska during the Depression, and as her life as a young bride and as a nurse, Mary Jane began compiling these anecdotes years ago when she began to realize their significance to her family’s history. With the birth of nieces and nephews and the death of her beloved mother came the realization that life does not last forever and the imperative to preserve these family treasures became even greater. With generous and enthusiastic contributions of photos, facts, details and insights, family members enhanced these stories and provided depth and luster to this glimpse into an American family descended from immigrants. Although it is typical in many ways, this family is unique – as perhaps all families are unique – and the author’s gratitude to her parents, her sister and each of her relatives is boundless.
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Resolving Your Child's Challenging Behavior
Resolving Your Child's Challenging Behavior
"This practical guide teaches parents to use positive behavior support (PBS) to address a child's challenging behavior. It helps parents identify the reasons underlying the behavior and intervene through a three-pronged approach: 1) preventing problems, 2) replacing challenging behaviors, and 3) managing consequences. Concrete, research-based examples, exercises, downloadable worksheets, and chapter-long case studies walk parents through every step of the process"--
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