Exodus, Redemption Revealed
The book of Exodus reveals the redemptive plan of God taking the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the land of milk and honey, the Promised Land. After we are born again, our journey with Jesus/Yeshua, our Messiah, is a reflection of the children of Israel. We go through times of dryness when it seems God has forsaken us, our prayers dont go past the ceiling, and we are constantly distracted by vain imaginations. We are buffeted by the cares of this world and wonder if it will ever end. In the face of that discouragement, we are tempted to give up and return to our old pagan (un-Christian) ways. The Israelites often murmured against Moses and complained about their circumstance saying, when will we come into the Land of Promise? When will we see that land of milk and honey? Hang on! Dont give up. If you are looking for Jesus (Yeshua) the Messiah, you will find Him throughout the book of Exodus. Its His story and its our story too. Psalm 145:14 says, The LORD upholds all that fall and raises up all those that are bowed down. He is our redeemer, sanctifier, healer, and coming king. In these days of instant demands and knowledge, we find an author who gives us a concept that knowledge must come from His Spirit. Jane Owens walks us along that understanding of these books called TorahGods loving teaching and instructions. Curtis C. Taylor, senior pastor, Beit Lechem Ministries, Colorado Jane Owens has taken the book of Exodus, which is 3,500 years old, and made it relevant for today. She was inspired to inspire others as a pastor that leads the sheep. This book is a valuable resource and needed in the body of Christ. Pastor Nicholas Plummer, Beit Tehila Congregation, Brandon, Florida