Psychological Testing
Psychological Testing: Theory, And Applications prepares students to quantify observations through the use of psychological tests. This new title is the first psychological testing book to devote forty percent of its coverage to psychometric theory. In a detailed account, Professor Janda explains why measurement is critical to all sub-areas of psychology. The developing psychologist is concerned with measuring children's intelligence, creativity, and moral development. The counseling psychologist is committed to using tests to help clients learn what career choices offer the best match with their interests and abilities. The educational psychologist must measure how much learning has occurred in the past and the types of educational experiences that can facilitate future learning. Personality and social psychologists find it necessary to develop new measures to allow them to investigate their current theories and constructs. The I/O psychologist predicts and measures job performance, and clinical psychologists want to assess psychopathology and predict response to treatment. Even experimental psychologists utilize psychological tests to study phenomena such as brain-behavior relationships. The author conveys how these principles are used to develop tests and how reviewers rely on them to evaluate tests. Every text comes with FREE Student Tutorial on disk. In an engaging and accessible writing style, students will grasp the psychometric principles easily. Students will benefit from Professor Janda's sound, practical advice for evaluating and selecting tests, as well as how to achieve test results that affect their lives. The text unfolds with coverage of the specialty areas in psychology. Secondly, the book discusses the extent to which tests are actually used. By utilizing Psychological Testing, Theory, and Applications, students will gain an appreciation and an understanding of how psychological tests impact society.