Call You Home: Contemporary Christian Romance
Reluctantly, Chef Isaac finds himself working in the kitchen of his nemesis, Chef Piper Peyton. Why would he want to cook his way into her heart? To save a landmark family restaurant in Savannah, two chefs must put aside their twenty-year-old feud and cook together. Can they at least try to be kind toward each other without digging up old hurts? At the end of the day, is he simply too hot for her kitchen? Right before a long and busy Thanksgiving weekend, Piper Peyton is confronted with a series of impossible problems... Piper's Pickles...Chef-owner Piper Peyton can handle one disaster at a time in her restaurant, but not two unexpected catastrophes within hours of each other that threaten to shut down Piper's Place for good and possibly end her career as a restaurateur. Sometimes bad things happen. But hopefully not all at once, right? Yet, no matter what, she has to keep Piper's Place open for business. Her customers expect it. This is their favorite twenty-four-seven restaurant where Riverside Chapel members frequent after church on Sundays and throughout the week. This is where people, young and old, gather to talk about life, solve their problems, meet new friends, and critique her new test dishes. Oh, this place absolutely needs to stay open. What to do, Lord? What to do? Isaac's Ingredients...How long can a person bear a grudge? For cruise ship chef de cuisine Isaac Untermeyer, he can hold it for twenty years and then some. How can he forget that high school sophomore with the topknot bun on her head and a big smile on her face, who robbed him of the high school cooking competition trophy, and ran off with the prize of full tuition paid to any college of her choice? Not that Isaac needed the money. It was a matter of pride. Even if he tries to forget how he lost the trophy to a supposedly better cook, his family won't let him forget it. As soon as he arrives in Savannah for a vacation, his mother takes him to none other than Piper's Place. However, something is wrong in their kitchen that night when meals don't arrive and the customers start to leave without eating. The chef in Isaac senses a crisis. He wants to do something, but his pride says don't bother. Yet, somehow Isaac finds himself responding to the call for help and going to her rescue... And he doesn't know why. Call You Home is the last novel in USA Today bestselling author Jan Thompson's Savannah Sweethearts series of clean and wholesome contemporary Christian beach romances celebrating faith, hope, and love in Jesus Christ. The series is set in the historic southern coastal city of Savannah, Georgia, and on the nearby idyllic beach town of Tybee Island by the Atlantic Ocean. If you enjoy Call You Home, you might also enjoy the other books in the series. SAVANNAH SWEETHEARTS Book 0: Ask You Later (Prequel) Book 1: Know You More Book 2: Tell You Soon (Romance with Suspense) Book 3: Draw You Near Book 4: Cherish You So Book 5: Walk You There Book 6: Love You Always (Romance with Suspense) Book 7: Kiss You Now Book 8: Find You Again Book 9: Wish You Joy (Christmas Romance) Book 10: Call You Home VACATION SWEETHEARTS Book 1: Smile for Me Book 2: Reach for Me (Romance with Suspense) Book 3: Wait for Me (Romance with Suspense) Book 4: Look for Me Book 5: Cheer for Me SEASIDE CHAPEL Book 1: Share with Me Book 2: Step with Me Book 3: Sing with Me More books to come...