Online Marketing for Hotels: The Definitive Guide to Direct Distribution: How to Get the Most Out of Your Advertising Money and Boost Website Reven
As online distribution of their rooms continues to advance, hotels face increasing pressure on margins because of the power of dominant makers: Online Travel Agencies. The opportunity to fight against this pressure exists in the real option of online direct distribution, but realizing substantial gains from it requires profound knowledge of online strategies and an understanding of interlinkages between different online marketing mechanisms.By drawing on professional experience and illustrating the logical, economic and technical context of online marketing for hotels, Jan Sammeck gives the reader an easy to apply guide for setting up a successful direct distribution practice. In reading this book, the inclined hotelier will learn about a comprehensive toolset that puts him in the position to create a sustainable and economically viable online marketing strategy for direct distribution. Whether large hotel group or single hotel, five star resort or budget hotel, the concepts presented here are universally applicable to any type of hotel. If your are interested in growing direct booking share without wasting money on ineffective marketing measures, this book is for you.