Helping English Language Learners Succeed in Pre-K-elementary Schools
There is a nationwide call to better provide schools with a teaching force equipped with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to effectively teach the diversifying U.S. student population. This series, Collaborative Partnerships Between esl and Classroom Teachers, edited by Debra Suarez, aims to contribute to the field's responses to this nationwide call. It is designed for both esl teachers and classroom teachers, for both language education specialists and subject matter specialists--for all educators who are responsible for students' academic achievement. It is ideal for use in pre- and in-service teacher education programs. In this volume, authors Jan Lacina, Linda New Levine, and Patience Sowa give emphasis to collaborative partnerships for elementary school students. This book shares the experiences of exemplary esl and classroom teachers who regularly collaborate for the educational achievement of English language learners. The volume utilizes narrative vignettes, prereading questions, and end-of-chapter case studies to highlight pedagogical dilemmas, guide readers, and encourage dialogue. It is organized around knowledge that is required of many educators and all English language educators: curriculum, standards, assessment, community, language, culture, and advocacy. By describing real-life examples of effective collaboration for school success, this volume underscores the value and the reality of creating a school that is a learning community in which expertise and knowledge are shared. The authors present new ways of thinking about collaborative dialogue and its role in transforming pedagogy and redefining notions of school success. Following the Series Editors' Preface (Debra Suarez), the following chapters are contained in this book: (1) Dedication; (2) Curriculum; (3) Standards; (4) Language; (5) Culture; (6) Assessment; (7) Community; and (8) Advocacy. A list of acronyms, glossary, and references are also included.