Lubek's Threelogy, the Sweet Science 2:
Welcome To The 2013 Award Winning, Most Unique Booksite By Most Unique Award Winning Author J.P.L. Lubek!!! = “strong>Cena Mówi o Jakoci> LUBEK'S LEGACY: THE CHESS CASTLE 2000/0000 MOVE:, In My First Book: Rocky Marciano & Classic Boxing & Boxers are discussed, also comparison to new era boxers are mentioned. Me & my Dearest Grandma, the ever-wise Venerabilis Wanda Wladyslawa Nida (PTASZYNA ZLOCISTA) mother of Golden-Heart Grazyna Maria Nida, daughter of decorated mining engineer Tadeusz Nida, son of Postmaster Rudolf Nida) (, Wanda's Eternal Words of Wisdom) introduced the idea to the promise breaking WBC/Sulaiman family: to erect Rocky Marciano statue in Brockton who owes us huge gratitude. You will find out lots of information on Rocky (and on many other topics, especially classic boxing) you never knew before. Special attention is given to Rocky's exhibitions in Asia (especially in Japan) & Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Archie Moore was not the last fighter Rocky faced in the ring in front of a live audience because it happened in Brazil in March of 1956 against 3 opponents. The last fight was for real!!! November 2022 Update: Rocky fought 2 rounds each against: Nelson Andrade, Antônio Cândido (replaced Francisco de Assis) & Waldemar Adao: 1956 & 1957 Brazilian heavyweight champion. There is lots of information on 'The Super Fight' film Rocky had with Muhamed Ali shortly before he died as if God waited for this fight to happen. Discover Rocky's many weird business ventures & his care-free investments, his life during & after boxing. Find out why Rocky's only logical opponent 'Big' Bob Baker 45-5 (special chapter is dedicated to him, also to Rocky's Amateur 10-4 (8KOs) record) was supposed to be Rocky's opponent on February 3 1956? Why was Sonny Liston (Rocky almost became his manager in 1961) not included in the elimination tournament to choose Rocky's 1956 Fall Opponent? Did Rocky avoid Floyd Patterson, Bob Satterfield, John Holman, Johnny Summerlin, and undefeated Eddie Machen for the 1957 New Year's fight? In My Second Book: George 'Superman' Reeves & Paul Bern (among others) are covered. Find out who might have murdered them. Were Toni & Eddie Mannix behind 'foul play'? Did they play a key role in his death? Toni bombarded George with harassing calls even when he changed phone numbers. Find out who stole George's pet dog. Find out about George's wish to be a pro boxer & a pro wrestler. Find out about the Luger gun that killed George. Was it possible to play Russian roulette with it? Read about how Jack Larson almost filmed 13 episodes of 'Superman's Pal' but refused because it was morbid to him. In My Third Book: History of Reproducing Piano Rolls, I describe in details (especially from technical aspects) different companies who made piano rolls for piano players, player pianos (Pianolas) & reproducing pianos at the turn of the 20th century. I cover piano rolls making companies such as Duo-Art, Welte-Mignon (Welte & Sons from Freiburg, Germany), Ampico A & B & many others. I cover the story of the first Piano Player Vorsetzer, an original machine with wooden fingers which played the piano, reproducing the sounds of great masters like Paderewski, Leshetizky, Saint-Saens, Scriabin, Lhevinne, Hofmann & many others. Even if they are no longer with us their spirit lives on in these (reproducing) piano rolls. "Genius Never Dies" Venerable Wanda Nida always said In Latin: "Dignum Laude Virum, Musa Vetat Mori!!!" Sooner or later we all have to go but memories of our names live on. There is life in memories. As long as one is regularly remembered he/she never dies!!! MARCHES ON, IT SHOWS MERCY TO NO ONE!!! ~J.P.L. LUBEK~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC AWARENESS MESSAGE: CONFIRMED TRUE & ESSENTIAL INFO ON WIKIMEGALOMANIAC WIKIBASTARD JIMMY DONAL WALES' (KING NOTHING, GLOBALLY, INFINITELY BLOCK ED WIKI LOSER, WIFE CHEATING PORN KING: just like his umbrella for wikiterrorism: WIKIPEDIA (WIKI-PEDO-IA) WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION (WMF = THE "INTELLECTUAL" TRAGEDY OF THE 21ST CENTURY) DISINFORMATION/MISINFORMATION; WIKIPEDIA-WATCH RESURRECTED: & WIKIPEEDOIA BLOG: TRUE SIMILAR, CRITICAL COMMENTS, ETERNAL WIKISHAME ON FOREVER & EVER UNFORGIVEN WIKISCUM ETERNAL: THEY WILL NEVER CREMATE!!! WHY NEVER, EVER SUPPORT WMF: IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM!?! IT'S CENSORED SATANIC "ENCYCLOPEDIA" WHERE ANYTHING GOES; ONE CAN'T GET MORE WIKISTUPID THAN ON WIKI-PEDO-IA WHERE UTMOST WIKISTUPIDITY & WMF BS MUST HAPPEN 24/7. YOU WILL BE BLOCKED FOR ANY REASON ( WIKIRACIST ASSHOLE SUPREME IS BEST AT IT:, WIKISHIT HAS TO GROW EXPONENTIALLY EVERY DAY!!!