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The Road to Justice: The Bible and the law as cornerstones of civilisation and culture
The Road to Justice: The Bible and the law as cornerstones of civilisation and culture
The relationship between art, Christian culture and the law often receives attention. It is trite that law influences all human lives as well as culture and art. The law, however, does not only provide a context within which art and culture can develop, but it is also the cornerstone of civilisation and culture. On the other hand, we must contemplate whether civilisation and culture are necessary conditions for a legal system. This book consists of a compilation of essays narrating the influence of principles from the Bible – on which the Christian belief is premised and practised by Christians worldwide – on law and on culture. Consideration is given to the foundation of the law on different and well-known Biblical texts. The interplay between Christian principles vis-à-vis the law and culture is considered and unpacked in this research. In addition, copies of well-known art depicting scenes from the Bible enhance each chapter. The main author, the late Prof. Eltjo Schrage, passed away shortly before the book was published with the assistance of Prof. Jan Adriaan van der Walt, Dr Glynis van der Walt and Dr Hashali Hamukuaya.
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Essays in English and American language and literature.
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The Road to Justice: The Bible and the law as cornerstones of civilisation and culture
The Road to Justice: The Bible and the law as cornerstones of civilisation and culture
The relationship between art, Christian culture and the law often receives attention. It is trite that law influences all human lives as well as culture and art. The law, however, does not only provide a context within which art and culture can develop, but it is also the cornerstone of civilisation and culture. On the other hand, we must contemplate whether civilisation and culture are necessary conditions for a legal system. This book consists of a compilation of essays narrating the influence of principles from the Bible – on which the Christian belief is premised and practised by Christians worldwide – on law and on culture. Consideration is given to the foundation of the law on different and well-known Biblical texts. The interplay between Christian principles vis-à-vis the law and culture is considered and unpacked in this research. In addition, copies of well-known art depicting scenes from the Bible enhance each chapter. The main author, the late Prof. Eltjo Schrage, passed away shortly before the book was published with the assistance of Prof. Jan Adriaan van der Walt, Dr Glynis van der Walt and Dr Hashali Hamukuaya.
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Leven en werk van Gerrit de Hoog (1784-1812)
Leven en werk van Gerrit de Hoog (1784-1812)
Gerrit de Hoog (1784-1812) studeerde geneeskunde in Leiden en diergeneeskunde in Berlijn. Hij promoveerde op 11 mei 1811 aan de Leidse universiteit. Zijn in het Latijn geschreven proefschrift gaat over de analogie tussen de geneeskunde van mens en dier en het nut van de diergeneeskunde voor de samenleving. Het is de eerste dissertatie in Nederland, geschreven door een van de eerste gediplomeerde veeartsen in ons land. Het is een bijzonder proefschrift omdat De Hoog al veel belang hechtte aan vergelijkende geneeskunde in de aanloopperiode naar diergeneeskundig onderwijs in Nederland. De Hoog zou docent worden op de eerste school voor veeartsen in Nederland. Maar zijn leven verliep heel anders. Als legerarts in de Grande Armée vond hij in 1812 de dood tijdens Napoleons fatale tocht naar Moskou. Dit boek presenteert een geannoteerde vertaling van zijn unieke proefschrift, met een inleiding over zijn leven en werk. Het onderwerp is nog steeds actueel.
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