Children Who Say No When You When You Want Them To Say Yes: Failsafe Discipline Strategies for Stubborn and Oppositional Children and Teens
Praise for James Windell's Previous Books Discipline "A rational, straightforward compilation of methods and approaches to child discipline that every parent should require at one time or another…helpful and well organized." —Publishers Weekly "[Windell] deals with teens in a respectful but firm manner…straightforward, readable." —Family Times 8 Weeks to a Well-Behaved Child "In down-to-earth language, Windell covers ‘fair’ and ‘unfair’ punishment, how to use reprimands, time out, and removal of privileges. He helps parents who may have been confused, inconsistent, or helplessly permissive to find confidence." —Detroit Free Press Does your child: deliberately disobey? listen only when he or she wants to? challenge every request you make? talk back incessantly? make you feel like a bad parent? Do you: feel angry, frustrated, or inadequate as a parent? resent your defiant child? constantly engage in a battle-of-wills over control? doubt your abilities to be a supportive, caring parent? Here is a practical resource for parents dealing with children's resistance, stubbornness, opposition, and defiance. Combining concrete, effective advice with illuminating case studies drawn from his years of practice, renowned psychotherapist James Windell helps parents recognize, understand, and cope with a child's resistant behavior—whether it arises as part of a normal stage of growth, stems from a child's temperament, or has developed from other, less easily definable sources. Children Who Say No When You Want Them To Say Yes is an essential reference for parents striving to raise successful children from angelic infancy through the terrible twos to the troubled teens. Visit us online at