Sexual Neuroses
"This book is unlike anything of its kind. It not only embraces some of the most interesting subjects coming under the head of medical science, but the subjects are handled in an original manner. Graphic descriptions of typical cases of masturbation, spermatorrhea, onanism, nymphomania and satyriasis, with historical illustrations and results of treatment accompanying, characterize, the book as a practical exposition of sexual disorders of this class, including their successful management....This book is not only practical and instructive, but to one interested i these subjects, whether he is a physician or not, it is exceedingly entertaining. The observations of the author are put in a style that holds the reader to the book till it is read from beginning to end....Sexual weaknesses, impotence, the physiology of sexual intercourse, - its abuses, objects and results, are all handled in a scientific way that but few have thought about. Students, or professional men of any calling, who have been morbidly excited by reading sensational books published by designing quacks, gain solid information from this work. Delusions are exposed, and imaginary fears banished....The work shows the intimate relations of cause and effect, and the part the nervous system takes in bringing about important changes - physiological and pathological." -The American Medical Journal "Dr. Kent is an old graduate of the Institute, and has done a successful business, making this a special study, and presents in this little volume the results of his study and practice. It is an important study, for unfortunately men and women many times allow their sexual organs and passions an indulgence that is certain to work mischief sooner or later. We are all called upon to treat such cases, and it is well for the patients and ourselves if we are able to recognize the nature of the wrongs, and have means for their cure." -The Eclectic Medical Journal "The book is well presented, and will probably have a large sale." -Saint Louis Clinical Record "It is interesting, instructive and practical. A book that will generally be read from beginning to end, without stopping, by most readers." -The Medical Brief "This little book discusses, in an interesting manner, the delicate subjects of masturbation, nymphomania, satyriasis, sexual neurafthenia, spermatorrhoea, impotence, etc., which are illustrated by clinical cases from the author's practice. In 1879, when this book was written, Dr. Kent was an Eclectic, and the treatment here given of course savors of that school. This, however, will be changed if another edition is published, as the Doctor is now a professor in the new Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri, having lately become a convert to homeopathy. Besides medication, a great deal of good advice is given as to the management of such cases by electricity and hygienic means, which are always, especially in such diseases, exceedingly important elements in the question of a cure." -The New England Medical Gazette