By the People
Challenge your students to ENGAGE in the conversation and process; THINK about the ideas, history, structure, and function; and DEBATE the merits of American government and politics in the 21st century.In a storytelling approach that weaves contemporary examples together with historical context, By the People: Debating American Government, Brief Edition, explores the themes and ideas that drive the great debates in American government and politics. It introduces students to big questions like Whogoverns? How does our system of government work? What does government do? and Who are we? By challenging students with these questions, the text gets them to think about, engage with, and debate the merits of U.S. government and politics.Ideal for professors who prefer a shorter text, By the People, Brief Edition, condenses the content of the comprehensive edition while also preserving its essential insights, organization, and approach. Approximately 20% shorter and less expensive than its parent text, the full-color Brief Editionfeatures a more streamlined narrative, deletes the "Comparing Nations" boxes, and is enhanced by the same extensive support package as the longer edition.ENSURING STUDENT SUCCESSWe offer qualified adopters a comprehensive ancillary package:* Companion Website at* For instructors, this site includes the teaching tools described below. For students, this open-access site offers a number of study tools, including learning objectives, key-concept summaries, quizzes and essay questions, web activities, and web links.* Instructor's Resource CD* This CD puts all of your teaching tools in one place. It contains the Instructor's Resource Manual with Test Item File, the Computerized Test Bank, the PowerPoint-based slides, and the graphics from the text.* Instructor's Resource Manual with Test Item File: The Instructor's Resource Manual includes chapter objectives, detailed chapter outlines, lecture suggestions and activities, discussion questions, and video and web resources. The Test Item File includes multiple-choice, short-answer, and essayquestions.* Computerized Test Bank: Using the test authoring and management tool Diploma, the computerized test bank that accompanies this text is designed for both novice and advanced users.* PowerPoint-based Slides: Each chapter's slide deck includes a succinct chapter outline and incorporates relevant chapter graphics. Also included are QandA slides to be used in the classroom with clickers.* Now Playing: Learning American Government Through Film* This supplement provides a variety of suggested films to illustrate concepts in the text. It is available in both a student and an instructor version and can be packaged with By the People, Brief Edition, for free.* CNN Video DVD* Offering recent clips on timely topics, this DVD provides fifteen films tied to the chapter topics in the text. Each clip is approximately 5-10 minutes in length, offering a great way to launch your lectures.* e-Book: Available through CourseSmart* Course Cartridges containing student and instructor resources are available for Blackboard, WebCT, Angel, D2L, or whatever course management system you prefer.