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A Life in a Year
A Life in a Year
This provocative in-depth book focuses on the experiences of the infantry soldier in Vietnam. More than 60 Army and Marine Corps infantrymen speak of their experiences during their year-long tours of duty.
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Rockwood and Wilkins' Fractures in Children
Rockwood and Wilkins' Fractures in Children
The thoroughly revised, updated Seventh Edition of Rockwood and Wilkins' Fractures in Children offers a complete print and multimedia package: the established "gold-standard" reference on pediatric fractures and access to an integrated content website. The world's foremost authorities provide comprehensive coverage of all bone and joint injuries seen in children, thoroughly discuss alternative methods for treating each injury, and present their own preferred methods. This edition has a more international group of contributors, more tips and pearls in the authors' preferred method presentations, and expanded coverage of complications. New chapters cover casting, remodeling and what is unique about children's fractures; principles of physical examination of children with fractures; and treacherous children's fractures. A companion website contains the fully searchable text, an image bank, and videos of the ten most difficult procedures.
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University of the Cumberlands
University of the Cumberlands
Alumni record as of date of last alumni directory,2011, categorized in 125 career categories; individual biographical information on around350 alumni whose stories have been told in the past alumni magazine or other University /College publications
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The Ethics Primer for Public Administrators in Government and Nonprofit Organizations, Second Edition
The Ethics Primer for Public Administrators in Government and Nonprofit Organizations, Second Edition
This concise text is a reader friendly primer to the fundamentals of administrative responsibility and ethics. Your students will come away with a clear understanding of why ethics are important to administrators in governmental and non-profit organizations, and how these administrators can relate their own personal values to the norms of the public sector. Since the publication of the first edition of The Ethics Primer, there has been significant change in the climate of public affairs that impacts the discussion of ethics for those who serve the public in governmental and nonprofit organizations. The new edition reflects those changes in three major areas: • Ethics in an era of increasing tension between political leaders and administrators over the role and size of government. • Ethical choices in making fiscal cuts or imposing new taxes in the face of the greatest economic crisis since the Depression. • Ethical challenges to established practices in public organizations. The Second Edition also offers thoroughly updated data and sources throughout, as well as examples that incorporate new research and new developments in government and politics. The Second Edition of The Ethics Primer for Public Administrators in Government and Nonprofit Organizations: • Introduces readers to the fundamentals of administrative responsibility and provides comprehensive coverage of the important elements of ethics. • Features an accessible and interactive approach to maximize understanding of the subject. • Includes information on the nature of public service and the ethical expectations of public administrators, as well factors that may lead to unethical behavior. • Written from a political perspective, the book addresses questions that are highly salient to persons working in government and nonprofits. • Offers helpful ways to link ethics and management in order to strengthen the ethical climate in a public organization.
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Herpetofaunal Diversity of the Four Holes Swamp, South Carolina
Herpetofaunal Diversity of the Four Holes Swamp, South Carolina
A survey of the amphibians and reptiles in a sanctuary in the Four Holes Swamp, South Carolina, in 1976 revealed 62 species. An additional 27 species may have been residents. Species diversity and abundance were greatest in upland areas around the swamp and lowest on the oak flats that are often regarded as the most valuable swamp habitats. A few species were restricted to cypress creeks. Springs on the bluffs that border the swamp favor several species, including some species that are more common in cooler regions. The results of the survey were evaluated based on 50-year trends in population sizes of amphibian and reptilian species at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Maryland and on 40-year trends in population sizes of amphibian and reptilian species on the University of Kansas Fitch Natural History Reservation to predict the possible consequences of different kinds of management. Conservation goals for the Four Holes Swamp should be based on the role of the swamp in the broader landscape.
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Who's Who in Plastics Polymers
Who's Who in Plastics Polymers
This is the first edition of a unique new plastics industry resource: Who's Who in Plastics & Polymers. It is the only biographical directory of its kind and includes contact, affiliation and background information on more than 3300 individuals who are active leaders in this industry and related organizations. The biographical directory is i
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Jurist Prudent -- The Judicial Opinions of Lawrence L. Koontz, Jr., Volume 2
Jurist Prudent -- The Judicial Opinions of Lawrence L. Koontz, Jr., Volume 2
Upon his retirement from active service as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia in 2011, Justice Koontz had completed more than four decades of service to citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia. In order to recognize that service and help preserve Justice Koontz's legacy as one of the outstanding jurists in Virginia and the United States, the Salem/Roanoke County Bar Association instituted this project to collect all of Justice Koontz's published opinions, both from his tenure as a Justice of the Supreme Court and as an inaugural member of the Court of Appeals of Virginia. The second volume to be produced by the Opinions Project includes opinions, concurrences and dissents authored by Justice Koontz during the majority of his second four-year term as Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals. This volume includes the opinions addressing the contempt citations brought against the United Mine Workers during the 1989-1990 Pittston Coal Strike.
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Cambria County Pioneers
Cambria County Pioneers
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