The Miranda Conspiracy
An ancient treasure in deep space holds the key to a deadly conspiracy which will shake the Billion Worlds of the Tenth Millennium. At the end of the Tenth Millennium, Zee and his AI buddy Daslakh arrive on the icy moon Miranda, hoping to make a good impression on his girlfriend Adya's upper-class parents. Instead they discover that Adya's father is the target of a political conspiracy. While Adya tries to discover who is trying to to ruin the family fortunes and expel them from Miranda's exclusive ruling class, Daslakh and Zee go on the trail of a lost treasure in deep space. As they both dig deeper they run afoul of rival political factions, romantic complications, space mercenaries, octopus gangsters, and ruthless secret agents—and all the while dealing with interference from Adya's parents and party-going sister. Love, power, wealth, and honor collide in the floating cities and palaces inside Miranda. It seems the time of prophecy and the Age of Law is over: it is time the prophecies will be fulfilled. At the publisher's request, this title is sold without DRM (Digital Rights Management). About The Godel Operation:“With this freewheeling story of an ancient, cunning artificial intelligence and its naïve human companion, Cambias (The Initiate) mashes humor, mystery, and looming apocalypse into a roundly satisfying space epic. . . . With plenty of fun moments along the way, this raucous adventure through the solar system’s distant future will appeal to any fan of lighter science fiction.” —Publishers Weekly “Cambias makes his solar system feel very alive, with wildly different cultures on different planets and moons . . . It is far-future space opera that is astronomically contained and written with a lightning bolt.” —Warped Factor Praise for Arkad's World: “Far-flung adventure . . . Cambias offers up an entertaining coming-of-age novel filled with action and surprises. His aliens are suitably non-human in mannerisms, attitudes, and objectives, and his worldbuilding suggests a vast universe ready for further exploration. Readers . . . will find this hits the spot.” —Publishers Weekly “. . . a classic quest story, a well-paced series of encounters with different folk along the way, building momentum toward a final confrontation with Arkad’s past…[with] a delicious twist to the end.” —ALA Booklist “Cambias has achieved a feat of world-building: an expansive, believable setting with fascinating aliens, compelling mysteries, and a rich sense of history.” —Bookpage “Drop a teenage boy into a distant planet chock-full of colorful aliens—with troubles all their own. Stir, flavor, apply heat. A tour de force in the field, and great, quick fun.” —Gregory Benford Praise for the work of James L. Cambias: “Beautifully written, with a story that captures the imagination the way SF should.” —Booklist starred review “An engaging nail-biter that is exciting, fun and a satisfying read.” —The Qwillery “An impressive debut by a gifted writer.” —Publishers Weekly starred review “An exceptionally thoughtful, searching and intriguing debut.” —Kirkus starred review “James Cambias will be one of the century's major names in hard science fiction.” —Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo Award-winning author of Red Planet Blues “Fast-paced, pure quill hard science fiction.…Cambias delivers adroit plot pivots that keep the suspense coming.” —Gregory Benford, Nebula Award-winning author of Timescape