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The Art of the Psychotherapist
The Art of the Psychotherapist
Unlike the brief, specific-solution oriented therapies that many people demand today, the goal of depth therapy is life change. James Bugental has been practicing, teaching and writing about depth therapy for 40 years, and in this book, he shares his experiences as a psychotherapist.
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The Art of the Psychotherapist
The Art of the Psychotherapist
Unlike the brief, specific-solution oriented therapies that many people demand today, the goal of depth therapy is life change. James Bugental has been practicing, teaching and writing about depth therapy for 40 years, and in this book, he shares his experiences as a psychotherapist.
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Psychotherapy Isn't What You Think
Psychotherapy Isn't What You Think
This book draws on the author's half century of experience in teaching, consulting with, and supervising psychotherapists throughout the world. He begins with the premise that the field has become too preoccupied with information: collecting information from the client and then feeding that information back to the client in different forms. The author then explains how and why shifting away from information gathering to attending to what is actually happening in the therapy room increases the effectiveness of the therapeutic interaction.
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The Counselor and the Group, fourth edition
The Counselor and the Group, fourth edition
This new, more streamlined version of the 1999 third edition brings the existing materials and references up to date and omits information now readily available online and elsewhere. The updated material in The Counselor and the Group makes this book an excellent resource for those who are both learning and practicing by providing a structured problem-solving approach to group work. Trotzer provides process and practice guidelines and techniques that enable group leaders to function effectively across the broad range of groups that counselors conduct including counseling, therapy, psychoeducational, and task groups. Includes material by noted group experts Lynn Rapin and Robert Conyne on "Best Practices in Group Counseling" Niloufer Merchant on Multicultural Counseling Rex Stockton, Paul Toth and D. Keith Morran on "The Case for Group Research."
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The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology
The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology
The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology is a landmark in the resurgent field of humanistic psychology and psychotherapy. Their range of topics is far-reaching--from the historical, theoretical, and methodological, to the spiritual, psychotherapeutic, and multicultural. Students and professionals are looking for the fuller, deeper, and more personal psychological orientation that this Handbook promotes.
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Abnormal Psychology
Abnormal Psychology
A text/anthology that is organized around the perspectives. that explain mental disorders, not the disorders themselves.. Six perspectives are presented through classic and current. works in the field.
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Psychoterapeutické systémy
Psychoterapeutické systémy
Systematická kniha přináší přehled základních psychoterapeutických směrů včetně psychodynamického, existenciálního, interpersonálního, behaviorálního, kognitivního, systemického, konstruktivistického, multikulturního a integrativního. Jednotlivé školy jsou spolu srovnávány s cílem vytvořit transteoretický pohled na psychoterapii. Každá kapitola je pojata jednotně, takže od příkladu a příslušné teorie osobnosti a psychopatologie se přechází k typickým terapeutickým procesům a podobě terapeutického vztahu, jsou rozebrány různé přístupy v rámci daného směru, pojednány výzkumy efektivity, kritika z pohledu jiných přístupů a také hypotetická kazuistika pacienta C. léčená optikou tohoto přístupu. Nechybějí další příklady ani klíčové pojmy a doporučené zdroje k dalšímu studiu. Obsahem knihy je analýza 15 vůdčích psychoterapeutických směrů a stručný přehled další 32 škol. Autoři docházejí k závěru, že různé pohledy se shodují v tom, jaké procesy navozují změnu, ale liší se v názoru na to, co je třeba měnit. Celosvětově uznávaná kniha, která je určená pro všechny typy psychoterapeutů i studentů psychoterapie, je překladem devátého amerického vydání.
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Systems of Psychotherapy
Systems of Psychotherapy
This book provides a systematic, comprehensive and balanced survey of the leading theories of psychotherapy from an integrative perspective. Looking within an individual system of therapy, the book follows the integrative steps that flow from the systems theory of personality to its theory of psychopathology and culminates in its theory of the therapeutic process and relationship. The book also offers an integrative framework that highlights the many similarities of therapy systems without blurring their essential differences.
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Psychotherapy and Process
Psychotherapy and Process
TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. prospect of a journey 2. traveler makes ready for the journey 3. guide makes preparations as well 4. guide must know and the traveler must trust the vessel 5. travelers from a bond and begin their journey 6. traveler discovers the rewards and hazards of the journey 7. each journey is new for the guide as well as the traveler 8. though the travelers stop, the journey stretches ahead 9. the journey over, the guide reflects.
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