Student-Assisted Teaching
This book provides a range of models for undergraduate student-assisted teaching partnerships to help teachers and administrators make learning more student-centered, effective, and productive. The 31 models describes a range of approaches and applications in a variety of settings and disciplines. The chapters are: (1) "Establishing a Common Ground: a Conjoint Training Model for Instructors and Peer Educators" (Eve M. Adams, Susan C. Brown, and Terry L. Cook); (2) "Lessons from Peers: The Design Exchange" (Mark J. Chidister, Frank H. Bell, Jr., And Kurt M. Earnest); (3) "Peer Teaching in the Experimental College" (Robyn Gittleman and Howard Woolf); (4) "Peer Facilitators as Lead Freshman Seminar Instructors" (Jean M. Henscheid); (5) "The Teaching Teams Program: a 'Just in Time' Model for Peer Assistance" (Harold P. Larson, Reed Mencke, Stacy J. Tollefson, Elizabeth Harrison, and Elena Merman); (6) "The Teaching Teams Program: Transforming the Role of the Graduate Teaching Assistant" (David A. Wood, Jr., Jennifer L. Hart, Stacy J. Tollefson, Dawn E. DeToro, and Julie Libarkin); (7) "The Teaching Teams Program: Empowering Undergraduates in a Student-Centered Research University" (Lacey A. Stover, Kirstin A. Story, Amanda M. Skousen, Cynthia E. Jacks, Heather Logan, and Benjamin T. Bush); (8) "Peer-Assisted Cooperative Learning: An Experiment in Educational Quality and Productivity" (Judith E. Miller, David DiBiasio, John Minasian, and James S. Catterall); (9) "Students; Managing to Learn; Teachers: Learning To Manage" (Martin H. Murray); (10) "Undergraduates Teaching in a Collaborative Learning Paradigm" (Samuel B. Thompson, Sarah B. Westfall, and Christine Reimers); (11) "Peers at Work: Tutors at Spelman College" (Anne B. Warner and Christine K. Farris); (12) "Students Mentoring Students in Portfolio Development" (W. Alan Wright and Bruce Barton); (13) "The Experimental Study Group: An Alternative First-Year Program at mit" (David Custer and Peter Dourmashkin); (14) "mash (Math and Science Help): Supplemental Instruction at a Technological University" (Ann Garvin and Dale Snyder); (15) "Undergraduate Peer Mentors in Mathematics" (Miguel Paredes, Paul Pontius, Rene Torres, and Joseph Chance); (16) "a Model for Integrating Technical Preceptors into the Classroom" (Mary Poulton and John Kemeny); (17) "Academic Excellence Workshops: Boosting Success in Technical Courses: (Ruth A. Streveler); (18) "Supplemental Instruction at an Urban Community College" (Joyce Ship Zaritsky); (19) "Peer-Assisted Teaching and Learning in Distance Education" (Judith A. Couchman); (20) "Using Structured Study Groups To Create Chemistry Honors Sections" (Brian P. Coppola, Douglas S. Daniels, and Jason K. Pontrello); (21) "Student Mentoring and Community in a University Honors Program" (Ronald E. Mickel); (22) "Where Undergraduates Are the Experts: Peer-Based Instruction in the Writing Center" (Dennie Paoli and Eric Hobson); (23) "Peer Facilitators of In-Class Groups: Adapting Problem-Based Learning to the Undergraduate Setting" (Deborah E. Allen and Harold B. White, iii); (24) "Student-Directed Instruction in an Undergraduate Psychopathology Course" (Cheryl Golden and Calverta McMorris); (25) "Peer Writing Tutors" (Lisa Lebduska); (26) "The Workshop Project: Peer-Led Team Learning in Chemistry" (Jerry L. Sarquis, Linda J. Dixon, David K. Gosser, Jack A. Kampmeier, Vicki Roth, Victor S. Strosak, and Pratibha Varma-Nelson); (27) "a Introductory Psychology Laboratory Designed and Taught by Undergraduate Teaching Interns" (Stephen P. Stelzner, Michael G. Livingston, and Thomas Creed); (28) "Undergraduate Teaching Assistants Bring Active Learning to Class" (Melissa A. Thibodeau); (29) "Student-Faculty Partnerships To Develop Teaching and Enhance Learning" (Milton D. Cox); (30) "Educating the Critic: Student Driven Quality" (Elizabeth Kinland, Lisa Firing Lenze, Lynn Melendez Moore, and Larry D. Spence); and (31) "College Teachers and Student Consultants: Collaborating about Teaching and Learning" (D. Lynn Sorenson). Four appendixes contain examples of hiring documents, training syllabi, teaching materials, and evaluation procedural documents. (Contains 18 figures, 59 tables, and 178 references.) (Sld).