Border Security
Much has been written recently concerning the relationship between illegal immigration and border security (or the lack thereof). The concept of border security affects all of us, directly or indirectly. It seems that the closer we get physically to the border (any border), the more we are affected (by border security), and the more we consider it a real and valid concern. Filled with relevant information, this holistic approach provides a timely foundation for anyone interested in the topic. Descriptive and analytical, the text is designed to offer undergraduates in Homeland Security and Criminal Justice a balanced and up-to-date overview of what border security is, as well as the constant revisions to it that have occurred over the past 109 years. In this book, authors Phelps, Dailey and Koenigsberg describe and discuss: Various definitions of "borders," including geographical, political, and economic What "border security" actually is, in relation to different types of borders and how the concept developed historically The classical concepts of border security, including the Walled City, Hadrian''s Wall, the Maginot and Seigfried Lines, and the Great Walls of China Border Patrol Operations, from 1904 to present day Present-day physical border security, including the various Border Fences, Operation Gatekeeper, and the effects of illegal immigration Maritime border security The relationship between border security and transnational crime Transportation security as impacted by borders "Solutions" to security along both the southern and northern borders of the United States "I believe this is the most comprehensive work on border protection yet published by anyone to include the Federal government. It is the most comprehensive document for understanding the global history and contemporary context for every form of domestic and international border transgression from land, air, sea and cyber. Everyone seeking to understand the long term consequences of this problem must read it." -- Robert Scales, MG (U.S. Army, Ret.), retired Major General, formerly commanded the Army War College. "This book is a definitive work on the concept of ''borders'' and how governments over time view, employ and enforce them. The authors demonstrate extensive research and vast scholarship; the book is suitable for reference or general reading. It should be read by all members of Congress and border security public policy experts for a broader and deeper understanding of how borders function. The section that covers the different definitions of borders is excellent and thought-provoking." -- Diana Washington Valdez, border journalist, author and political science professor based in El Paso, Texas. "...the definitive tome on the topic as it relates to US border security perceptions, practices, and issues. The work is both comprehensive in scope and holistic in its approach....In summation, Border Security is a comprehensive and in-depth work on border -- and homeland -- security with excellent utility for both undergraduate and graduate level courses. It establishes a baseline for more focused discussions on a wide range of important topics intimately tied to the international problem of homeland security. Further, Border Security provides detailed coverage of both historical and contemporary issues in a clear and concise manner for the university student and should be considered essential reading for anyone wanting to participate in border security discussions." -- Dr. Robert J. Bunker, Distinguished Visiting Professor and Minerva Chair, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, in Homeland Security Affairs "I was tasked with creating a course on smuggling, naturally I think about border security as well. My students will be happy to know this is the only book they need. Between it and my Homeland Security experience, everything is covered from the types of smuggling on the US/Mexico border to maritime issues as well." -- Tad Smith, Lamar University, instructor PowerPoint slides are available upon adoption. Sample slides from the full 702-slide presentation are available to view here. Email for more information.