Low-Voltage SOI CMOS VLSI Devices and Circuits
A practical, comprehensive survey of SOI CMOS devices and circuitsfor microelectronics engineers The microelectronics industry is becoming increasingly dependent onSOI CMOS VLSI devices and circuits. This book is the first toaddress this important topic with a practical focus on devices andcircuits. It provides an up-to-date survey of the current knowledgeregarding SOI device behaviors and describes state-of-the-artlow-voltage CMOS VLSI analog and digital circuit techniques. Low-Voltage SOI CMOS VLSI Devices and Circuits covers the entirefield, from basic concepts to the most advanced ideas. Topicsinclude: * SOI device behavior: fundamental and floating body effects, hotcarrier effects, sensitivity, reliability, self-heating, breakdown,ESD, dual-gate devices, accumulation-mode devices, short channeleffects, and narrow channel effects * Low-voltage SOI digital circuits: floating body effects, DRAM,SRAM, static logic, dynamic logic, gate array, CPU, frequencydivider, and DSP * Low-voltage SOI analog circuits: op amps, filters, ADC/DAC,sigma-delta modulators, RF circuits, VCO, mixers, low-noiseamplifiers, and high-temperature circuits With over 300 references to the state of the art and over 300important figures on low-voltage SOI CMOS devices and circuits,this volume serves as an authoritative, reliable resource forengineers designing these circuits in high-tech industries.