Beyond Words
THIS BOOK HELPS ENGLISH AND SPANISH SPEAKERS CONNECTThere¿s tension right now. Nowhere is it more evident than between the English and Spanish speaking communities here in the United States.But there is also hope. In the midst of all the tension, there are millions of people who are looking for ways to bring communities together. People are saying: ¿We have to talk,¿ ¿We have to listen to each other,¿ and ¿We have to work together.¿ But people are also asking ¿HOW?¿ This book offers a proven solution developed by The ShareLingo Project. Founder James Archer put an engineer¿s mind to the task and developed a deceptively simple approach: Bring English-speakers and Spanish-speakers together and have them teach each other. Learn by doing. Become a clear, confident speaker of a second language with the help of a native speaker who isn¿t afraid to correct and guide you. And you return the favor, helping a Spanish-speaker better navigate the American landscape. After proving his method in numerous industries and community settings, Archer wrote this book to help change agents launch such programs of their own. Irrespective of race, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, or even political affiliation -- people can be friends. The ShareLingo Project has done it. Over and over again.If you, or your company, church, school, or organization, is facing this crisis, implementing the model in this book will give measurable results in improving these relationships.It¿s never been more important.