Middle and High School Teaching
Middle and High School Teaching: Methods, Standards, and Best Practicesis an interactive textbook that is fully integrated with PowerPoint slides, a web site, assessments to meet NCATE and INSTASC standards, and basal secondary level textbook chapters for each of the content areas. The text includes a chapter on standards, history, current issues and strategies for each of the major content areas: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, World Languages, Fine and Performing Arts, and Physical and Health education. Providing unique coverage for differentiated instruction at the college level, the text integrates standards and methods for general and specific subject matter by drawing on professional education association web sites, covering traditional methods topics, and providing authentic assignments. The text is ideal for courses in secondary general methods, curriculum and instruction, introduction to teaching, or for the first course of a two-part sequence in specific methods. Web-based resources, including PDF copies of middle and high school basal textbook content, lesson-planning templates, ERIC documents for current issues, and PowerPoint slides for each chapter, enable professors to easily choreograph their instruction for classes of mixed majors or single major, and courses of varying size that may be taught completely or partly online. The book and its ancillary materials scaffold the learning experience by presenting topics in a logical sequence, beginning with an introduction to the challenges of the profession, followed by differences between middle schools and high schools, basic skills across the curriculum, approaches to teaching diverse learners, planning, methods, and assessment, and concluding with trends, standards, and differences between the disciplines. Instructors can choose from and modify more than 100 authentic assignments, which are tied to NCATE and INTASC standards, ranging from interviewing middle school students to creating lesson plans. In addition, special emphasis is placed on such topics as motivation theory and techniques for diverse learners and integrating basic skills and literacy into subject field planning and instruction. Straightforward, easily readable, and concise.The text is organized into compact topics (rather than dense chapters) and includes aBest Practicesfeature, which engages students in reading their textbook Authentic content chapters from middle and high school textbooks.Available at the web site, downloadable PDF copies of basal textbook chapters (from McDougal Littell) across the subject areas enable students to apply methods learned from the textbook's lesson- planning activities and assignments. More than 100 potential assignments.Instructors can select and modify presented assignments to best suit their students' and course needs. Each assignment is tied to an INTASC/NCATE standard for ease of documentation or portfolio development. Coverage and integration of key national standards.The book integrates The Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) standards, The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) standards, The Goals 2000 legislation, The No Child Left Behind legislation, and the content standards defined by the professional organizations into a coherent structure for preservice teachers. Practical pedagogy.Supportive features includeTeacher's Tipsboxes with practical ideas and strategies for the classroom, Question boxes to encourage critical thinking,For the Reflective Practitionerquotes and insights, authenticAssignments,lists ofBest Practices,and web resources.