So, You Were Saying?
Jamantha Agape Williams Watson is an Assistant Professor of Performance in the Department of Fine and Performing Arts at Hampton University. Her focus area is in Acting. Professor Watson coaches Hampton Universitys award-winning Forensics and Debate Team. As a community servant, Watson is a tireless worker for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She is also the founder of the AGAPE (Americans Giving to African People Everywhere) Connection, a non-profit organization that develops the socialization, education and residential needs of Africans throughout the world. Mrs. Watson is also a drama-therapist, who helps develop the socialization skills of individuals with special needs and those who have been deeply affected by trauma. For the past twenty years she has volunteered as an oral communication specialist in the female correctional facilities throughout Virginia. Currently she volunteers her oral communication services to women who are incarcerated in Newport News, Virginia. She has appeared in numerous theatrical, film and television productions and tours the one woman show LD, a performance exploring the overrepresentation of African American students in Special Education. Watson is the author of Moonlight on a Weathered Path: Selected Readings for Dramatic Interpretation, Soul Food: Daily Inspirational Nutrition, Classical and Modern Monologues for Women, Classical and Modern Monologues for Men, Hear Me Out: Monologues for Todays Generation and Dont Call Us Well Call You. Her sixth book, Thats Debatable: Selected Prose, Poems, Single Dramatic Interpretation, Dramatic Duos and Debate Topics will be published in August 2011. She is completing two novels, Changing Seasons, a story about the civil war in Liberia, West Africa and No Shades of Grey, a novel about the school closings in Prince Edward County, Virginia.