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We Birth Freedom at Dawn
We Birth Freedom at Dawn
If you have read my prior work, you know that all of this is just a Love letter from the Great Mystery to our earthly yearning souls. As such, with these two new volumes of poems, stories, essays, prayers, and devotions, I desire that you feel the intimacy and urgency of where you and I now find ourselves. Since late 2023, as horrific massacre, new and old, slow and swift, in many forms and lands, has at last captured our collective human attention, our pain and grief and resurgent Love have gushed through my heart and being night and day. Like many of you, my every cell and molecule has been both decimated and revived. I have given myself to this, our profound upheaval. I have crumbled our heartbreak into the sea of this unbearable season, this ongoing sermon of sorrow and solace. In these soul waters, I have soaked up our manna and nectar to bring home to you. These two volumes are the entire balm I have been able to gather for you. We Birth Freedom at Dawn is a book and birth water. The title came to me as I ran up a steep hill on a recent summer morning, sun blessing my skin, sweat baptizing my ascendant birthing time to push and deliver. Our ancestors have been with me in a hushed and cradling way during these months of mourning and morning. As this title came to me, Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman in particular settled in my bones and blood and breath. These two sturdy grandmothers have wet eyes as they hold us now. It is their insistence that we be free of our oppressive ways that has ushered forth these tribal words. Sojourner and Harriet... Have you ever seen two monarch butterfly mates dancing in sunlight? They may to our eyes seem incredibly light of wing. Their flight, though, is a consequence of unimaginable struggle and endurance. And yet, here they are, still dancing, still joyful, filled with the orange of sun, bringing forth their generations. This title, We Birth Freedom at Dawn, is what its offering is: A radical call. An invocation. A summons. To stir and galvanize and mobilize us. The word We is for our collective humanity. Birth speaks to our unconquerable Divine Feminine and its reclaimed role as we go forward, for the conception, gestation, and birth labor. For we already have this freedom. We do not have to chase it down. We have only to bring forth what is already in us and of us. The word Freedom: An acknowledgement of my life's work and ministry, including my earlier and kindred book Freedom: Medicine Words for Your Brave Revolution. And Dawn, a hopeful word, for our freedom soon come. It is not long now, dear soul. Not long. Our dark night of the soul too has its end. This title is a declaration and decree. A promise and prophecy. An awakening and activation. A chant, hum, ceremony, remembrance song. To speak and feel this title is to call forth this freedom alive within each of us. Our freedom is stirring, nascent, divine, and truth. Soon, the fawning sprout begets the forest, and the raindrop begets the river. I pray these words bring back from the brink the many who are on the edge of despair, fear, hopelessness, terror, and fatigue. To allow us to see and feel and be what is coming and indeed what has always been here in the fertile earth of our sacred architecture. My God, these words are prayer.
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Dear Artist
Dear Artist
Dear Artist is Jaiya John's mystic Love letter to artists and to all souls. A full-blooded, sensual, intimate honoring and celebration of the divine spark of creativity in you, that reads like a private sharing from an old friend.
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Use these petite reflections and stories as daily affirmations, mantras, reminders, practice projects, or prompts for meditation. Open the book to any page and drink its healing water. See how you can move through life with unconditional peace and clarity. Refresh yourself in this medicine book. Let Calm be your testimony of a possible life.
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Sincerity of Sunlight
Sincerity of Sunlight
In the tradition of his popular book, Fresh Peace, Jaiya John offers a revitalizing new book of inspiration. Drop in on any page of Sincerity of Sunlight for a bright dose of affirmation and inner peace. Jaiya's soothing words touch gently on wellness, self-care, self-Love, healing, personal growth, social relationships, and purposeful living.
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Fresh Peace
Fresh Peace
Imagine if your every breath filled your soul with undeniable, blissful Peace. Jaiya John, who has shared his deeply resonant messages with audiences worldwide, gathers these heart-stirring inspirations, stories, and healing words for those who cherish and yearn for a lasting inner Peace. Stroll through this garden of Sacredness and feel your soul awaken to its own true and flowering fragrance: the unmistakable perfume of Peace. Renew. Refresh. Rediscover the essence of your life.
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Daughter Drink This Water
Daughter Drink This Water
Many believed he was thousands of years old. The women had prayed for an ancient one to come. They wanted to remember. The ancient one came. He was the father of all their fathers. The son of all their mothers. And on that day, in a valley where the sky hangs low, he spoke. Daughter Drink This Water is a sacred Love song. A timeless affirmation for girls and women of all ages who are nurturing a beautiful life. Soak in this warm river of self Love, self care, healing, and freedom. Share this soul-full keepsake within your families and kinship circles, as a cherished blanket of memory and meaning. Drink deeply.
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We Birth Freedom at Dawn
We Birth Freedom at Dawn
If you have read my prior work, you know that all of this is just a Love letter from the Great Mystery to our earthly yearning souls. As such, with these two new volumes of poems, stories, essays, prayers, and devotions, I desire that you feel the intimacy and urgency of where you and I now find ourselves. Since late 2023, as horrific massacre, new and old, slow and swift, in many forms and lands, has at last captured our collective human attention, our pain and grief and resurgent Love have gushed through my heart and being night and day. Like many of you, my every cell and molecule has been both decimated and revived. I have given myself to this, our profound upheaval. I have crumbled our heartbreak into the sea of this unbearable season, this ongoing sermon of sorrow and solace. In these soul waters, I have soaked up our manna and nectar to bring home to you. These two volumes are the entire balm I have been able to gather for you. We Birth Freedom at Dawn is a book and birth water. The title came to me as I ran up a steep hill on a recent summer morning, sun blessing my skin, sweat baptizing my ascendant birthing time to push and deliver. Our ancestors have been with me in a hushed and cradling way during these months of mourning and morning. As this title came to me, Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman in particular settled in my bones and blood and breath. These two sturdy grandmothers have wet eyes as they hold us now. It is their insistence that we be free of our oppressive ways that has ushered forth these tribal words. Sojourner and Harriet... Have you ever seen two monarch butterfly mates dancing in sunlight? They may to our eyes seem incredibly light of wing. Their flight, though, is a consequence of unimaginable struggle and endurance. And yet, here they are, still dancing, still joyful, filled with the orange of sun, bringing forth their generations. This title, We Birth Freedom at Dawn, is what its offering is: A radical call. An invocation. A summons. To stir and galvanize and mobilize us. The word We is for our collective humanity. Birth speaks to our unconquerable Divine Feminine and its reclaimed role as we go forward, for the conception, gestation, and birth labor. For we already have this freedom. We do not have to chase it down. We have only to bring forth what is already in us and of us. The word Freedom: An acknowledgement of my life's work and ministry, including my earlier and kindred book Freedom: Medicine Words for Your Brave Revolution. And Dawn, a hopeful word, for our freedom soon come. It is not long now, dear soul. Not long. Our dark night of the soul too has its end. This title is a declaration and decree. A promise and prophecy. An awakening and activation. A chant, hum, ceremony, remembrance song. To speak and feel this title is to call forth this freedom alive within each of us. Our freedom is stirring, nascent, divine, and truth. Soon, the fawning sprout begets the forest, and the raindrop begets the river. I pray these words bring back from the brink the many who are on the edge of despair, fear, hopelessness, terror, and fatigue. To allow us to see and feel and be what is coming and indeed what has always been here in the fertile earth of our sacred architecture. My God, these words are prayer.
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All These Rivers and You Chose Love
All These Rivers and You Chose Love
This compilation of reflections floods your soul and heart with an intimately personal mercy for your tenderness, painting beauty over the landscape of your inner and outer life.
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Father to Son
Father to Son
Father to Son: Ode to Black Boys is a spoken word testimony to the phenomenal journey of African American people. A dying father's inspired and hopeful last conversation with his 17-year-old son serves as the context for this uplifting and powerful narrative. Jaiya John's compassionate voice weaves a rich Kente cloth tapestry of Love, celebration, challenge, and honor. Father to Son, with its rich rhythmic wordplay, flavored with a gumbo recipe for Self-Love in both males and females, frames the journey of African American boys into manhood. Here is a role call for the spirit warrior in us who wants our families to be whole. Come beat the drum.
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This is a Love story. A Love for freedom that blooms into a willingness for revolution to eradicate oppression, supremacy, and inferiority. In his newest book of sacred contemplation, Dr. Jaiya John plunges us into the naked soul of social revolution, the divine nature of freedom, and the human reality of being a revolutionary. Freedom is an origin story, a message for today's global realities, and a tale for all times. A prayer poem from the ancestors. Since his orphan birth in the New Mexico desert, Jaiya, formerly a professor of social psychology at Howard University, has spent his entire life contemplating, learning, teaching, and reaching for personal and collective freedom. This book is his offering of a lifetime for those brave, humbled, sacrificing souls called to give their lives for freedom work. Revolutionary labor can be lonely, isolating, discouraging, and depleting. Freedom is a Love-soaked trove of affirmation, appreciation, reassurance, and renewal. Freedom is for poets and professors, parents and activists, leaders and students, and for anyone whose inner healer rises and roars, stirs and sings. Anyone who dares to help birth a new world of human dignity, a world that dissolves the old structures, systems, ideologies, and spirit that incarcerate and traumatize generation after generation. Freedom is a wild flock of verses, each offering its own distinct medicine: window, door, compass, shelter, quiet, hope, clarity, courage, oasis, revelation, assurance, encouragement, faith, music, dance, prayer, light, laughter, tears, nourishment, rest, solidarity, strategy, ancestral presence, generational duty, reminder of Love. Freedom is presented in deep-breath verses that float on the page in space, unbound from one another. Savor this book as both an inspirational, reflective, daily devotional, and an academic and strategic resource. Drop in on any page for your daily bread and grace. Freedom is poetry, proverb, and prophecy as much as practice protocol. In the tradition of Jaiya's book Daughter Drink This Water, Freedom will replenish the intangible wellspring that is your soul.
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