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Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez
Mexican-American civil rights and labor activist Cesar Chavez (1927–1993) comes to life in this vivid portrait of the charismatic and influential fighter who boycotted supermarkets and took on corporations, the government, and the powerful Teamsters Union. Jacques E. Levy gained unprecedented access to Chavez and the United Farm Workers in writing this account of one of the most successful labor movements in history-which also serves as a guidebook for social and political change.
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The City
The City
The spread of urbanization has transformed the concept of the city, but the way urban planners, urban scientists and, above all, urban dwellers address it has also changed, probably even more so. The city is thus a new topic for geography, a discipline that has experienced an ambiguous relationship to cities in the past. What kind of geography is required in order to bring fresh insight to this renewed field? Drawing together a wide range of texts from philosophers, sociologists and economist as well as geographers and urban planners, this volume provides a theoretical framework within which this question can begin to be explored.
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Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez
Mexican-American civil rights and labor activist Cesar Chavez (1927-1993) comes to life in this vivid portrait of the charismatic and influential fighter who boycotted supermarkets and took on corporations, the government, and the powerful Teamster's Union. Jacques E. Levy gained unprecedented access to Chavez and the United Farm Workers in writing this account of one of the most successful labor movements in history - which also serves as a guidebook for social and political change.
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Jules Dassin
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Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages
Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages
The design and implementation of programming languages, from Fortran and Cobol to Caml and Java, has been one of the key developments in the management of ever more complex computerized systems. Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages gives the reader the means to discover the tools to think, design, and implement these languages. It proposes a unified vision of the different formalisms that permit definition of a programming language: small steps operational semantics, big steps operational semantics, and denotational semantics, emphasising that all seek to define a relation between three objects: a program, an input value, and an output value. These formalisms are illustrated by presenting the semantics of some typical features of programming languages: functions, recursivity, assignments, records, objects, ... showing that the study of programming languages does not consist of studying languages one after another, but is organized around the features that are present in these various languages. The study of these features leads to the development of evaluators, interpreters and compilers, and also type inference algorithms, for small languages.
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Algorithms, Concurrency and Knowledge
Algorithms, Concurrency and Knowledge
This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 1995 Asian Computing Science Conference, ACSC 95, held in Pathumthani, Thailand in December 1995. The 29 fully revised papers presented were selected from a total of 102 submissions; clearly the majority of the participating researchers come from South-East Asian countries, but there is also a strong international component. The volume reflects research activities, particularly by Asian computer science researchers, in different areas. Special attention is paid to algorithms, knowledge representation, programming and specification languages, verification, concurrency, networking and distributed systems, and databases.
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L'espace légitime
L'espace légitime
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Réinventer la France
Réinventer la France
Faut-il se battre pour maintenir des médecins à la campagne ? Où se trouvent les « déserts » français ? Où vivent les électeurs protestataires ? Quelles sont les territoires économiquement productifs de la France ? Toutes ces questions posent des problèmes politiques, économiques et sociaux majeurs. Aucune ne peut trouver de réponse sans une vision claire et précise de notre espace. Géographe reconnu, Jacques Lévy montre ici combien, dans le silence et l’obscurité, d’immenses injustices se produisent : les pauvres des régions riches paient pour les riches des régions pauvres, les inégalités spatiales se creusent sans pour autant que, dans la plupart des territoires, le développement soit au rendez-vous. Il y a donc urgence à faire le deuil des mythes territoriaux que l’État français a construit pour conforter son emprise et à regarder la France telle qu’elle est, avec d’autres regards et d’autres cartes. On y découvre notamment que ce qui reste des idéologies de l’échelle unique et du terroir éternel ne tient plus : la France est urbaine, faite de multiples échelles à l’intérieur, insérée dans les réseaux de l’Europe et du Monde, et c’est seulement sur la base de ce constat que l’on peut faire avancer le débat sur un territoire juste. Dans ce nouvel atlas de la France, Jacques Lévy propose non seulement de voir la France comme nous ne la voyons plus, mais il propose aussi des solutions novatrices pour instaurer davantage de justice dans l’Hexagone.
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