Our Europe
"Jacques Delors has soared to prominence as the first transnational political leader of the new Europe. Reviled by the British tabloids and lauded by the TUC, the President of the European Commission continues to provoke strong reactions across the political spectrum with his astute and relentless drive for European economic and political integration." "In this new book Delors, assisted by the research group Clisthene, elaborates the strategy behind the Social Charter and the Delors Plan which has delivered Europe to the brink of 'the Single European Act'. At the end of 1992 European economic integration will become a fact, and pressures towards political integration, particularly in the areas of defence and foreign policy, will become irresistible." "Delors explains that his conception of the Community arose as a response to a menacing international economic conjuncture, and outlines the role of an integrated Europe in the new world order. He points out that the financial aid made available through EC social programmes to poorer areas already exceeds the total spent by the Americans under the Marshall Plan. In a detailed economic survey he predicts that a single open market of 320 million people will benefit member economies by increasing GNP by 4.5 per cent, reducing prices by 6 per cent, and creating 2 million jobs. Drawing extensively on the French experience, he shows how regulated integration can maintain Europe's international competitiveness whilst ensuring proper wage levels and working conditions for its population." "But, as Delors reminds us, nobody falls in love with a growth rate. Our Europe is more than an economic and political programme: it is a work of great vision which explores how we might live and act together to transform education, work, and free time. Including an introduction written for this edition, Delors' first book in English is certain to be as controversial and influential as its author."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved