Three Little Birds
Three Little Birds: Faith, Hope, and Love is a raw and true story written during the life and loss of Jacqueline Martins third child, James Robert. This story is meant to inspire and counsel readers, especially those facing a difficult journey of their own. James was born prematurely and with a rare congenital heart defect on May 17, 2011, and passed away on September 14, 2011. Three Little Birds: Faith, Hope, and Love is a testimony to the power of prayer and provides proof that God made sure Jacqueline and her family did not have to face this painful journey to physical and emotional wholeness alone. Jacquelines story speaks about her personal experience as a mom and about her attempt to live her life faithfully as a Christian while she managed the toughest trial of her life during a parents worst nightmarelosing a child. Living life as a Christian means living life to a higher calling. Jacquelines story is about taking a parents worst nightmare and turning it into something extraordinary by improving the lives of others one baby step at a time. Imbued in Jacquelines writing is the Martin familys message of faith, hope, and love in a direct metaphor for the three little birds. The three little birds are represented by her three children, as well as the greatest gifts of God. Everyone endures hardships in their lives and receives tests of their faith during these difficult times. These tests of faith enable us to continue to count as well as remember our blessings. They seem to hide the worlds nature and beautiful colors, silencing the chirping and singing of birds. During difficult times, community and help from others allow us to continue standing and to get through the trials. With the help of others, the worlds colors shine brightly and open our eyes to different experiences, trials, and journeys in our life as well as the journeys of others.