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Justice Stanley Mosk
Justice Stanley Mosk
This is the first biography of Stanley Mosk (1912-2001), iconic protector of civil rights and civil liberties during his 37 years as a justice of the Supreme Court of California (1964 to 2001). He had quickly risen as a well liked leader among Los Angeles reformers, as executive secretary to California governor Culbert Olson and then 16 years as a superior court judge. His 1958 election and service as state attorney general soon won national attention and the promise of likely election to the U.S. Senate, but an unexpected campaign twist augured a new course. This book frames Mosk's Supreme Court years and the landmark cases in which his opinions or biting dissents continue to resonate.
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Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice
Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice
Criminal justice professionals often do not receive the training they need to recognize the constitutional principles that apply to their daily work. Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice offers a way to solve this problem by providing a comprehensive, well-organized, and up-to-date analysis of constitutional issues that affect criminal justice professionals. Chapter 1 summarizes the organization and content of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Fourteenth Amendment. The next eight chapters cover the constitutional principles that regulate investigatory detentions, traffic stops, arrests, use of force, search and seizure, technologically assisted surveillance, the Wiretap Act, interrogations and confessions, self-incrimination, witness identification procedures, the right to counsel, procedural safeguards during criminal trials, First Amendment issues relevant to law enforcement, capital punishment, and much more. The final chapter covers the constitutional rights of criminal justice professionals in the workplace, their protection under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, and their accountability under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for violating the constitutional rights of others. Part II contains abstracts of key judicial decisions exemplifying how the doctrines covered in earlier chapters are being applied by the courts. The combination of text and cases creates flexibility in structuring class time. Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice makes complex concepts accessible to students in all levels of criminal justice education. The chapters begin with an outline and end with a summary. Key Terms and Concepts are defined in the Glossary. Tables, figures, and charts are used to synthesize and simplify information. The result is an incomparably clear, student-friendly textbook that has remained a leader in criminal justice education for more than 45 years.
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Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice
Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice
Criminal justice professionals often do not receive the training they need to recognize constitutional principles that apply to their everyday work. Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice offers a way to solve this problem by providing a comprehensive, well-organized, and up-to-date analysis of constitutional issues that affect criminal justice professionals. Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice makes complex concepts accessible to students at all levels of criminal justice education. The chapters begin with an outline and end with a summary. Key terms and concepts are defined in the glossary. Tables, figures, and charts are used to synthesize and simplify information. The result is an incomparably clear, student-friendly textbook that has remained a leader in criminal justice education for 50 years.
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Kushiel's Justice
Kushiel's Justice
"The sequel to Kushiel's avatar, Imriel returns to embark on a harsh and ugly quest to bring the murderer of his wife and son to justice"--Provided by publisher.
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Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law
Presents an up-to-date analysis of critical constitutional issues. Special attention is given to issues of greatest concern to criminal justice personnel -- detention, arrest, search and seizure, interrogations and confessions, self-incrimination, due process, and right to counsel. Also includes constitutional aspects of criminal and civil liabilities of justice personnel, and constitutional and civil rights in the workplace. Part II presents key cases to assist in interpreting the constitutional provisions.
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Criminal Behavior
Criminal Behavior
This textbook provides an interdisciplinary overview of theories of crime, explanations of how and why criminal typologies are developed, literature reviews for each of the major crime catagories, and discussions of how theories of crime are used at different stages of the criminal justice process.
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Women Leading Justice
Women Leading Justice
The women’s movement and increasing social consciousness regarding gender disparity and discrimination has helped to make gains over the past several decades to reduce gender disparity for women in the workplace. However, gender discrimination and disparity continue to exist. Women continue to receive lower wages, and fewer opportunities for promotion and professional advancement – and this is particularly true in male dominated professions such as criminal justice. Building on original qualitative data, this book explores the experiences of female criminal justice professionals who have risen to the top of their professional ladders. The book includes first-hand narrative accounts of high ranking successful professional women working across a range of fields such as policing, courts, corrections, victim and restorative justice services and criminal justice research agencies in the United States and Canada. This book highlights the barriers that successful female criminal justice professionals have to overcome to obtain their positions, and identifies key themes that these women see as having allowed them to break through those barriers and to navigate their professional environments. This book provides students interested in entering the criminal justice field – and working professionals already in the field – with knowledge about women who have risen through the ranks and up the professional ladder to break through the glass and the brass ceilings of their profession.
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The Metamorphosis of Criminal Justice
The Metamorphosis of Criminal Justice
In The Metamorphosis of Criminal Justice, Jacqueline S. Hodgson focuses on the potentially radical and fundamental changes taking place within criminal justice in Britain and in France and the ways that these are driven by wider domestic, European or international concerns. This metamorphosis away from established values and practices is eroding what were once regarded as core rights and freedoms in the name of efficiency, security, and justice to victims. Beginning with a comparative analysis of adversarial and inquisitorial procedural values and traditions, and an examination of broad trends in domestic and European criminal justice, Hodgson then discusses how the roles of prosecution and defense have been re-shaped in different ways in both jurisdictions--both in the text of the law and in their practices. The final section considers how systems within different procedural traditions adapt to address, or provide a remedy for, systemic flaws that produce wrongful convictions and in particular, the role of the defense in these procedures. By adopting an empirical and comparative approach, this book explores the nature and reach of these trends and the ways that they challenge and disrupt criminal processes and values.
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