"Vietnam : a casebook" is the result of a collaborative project among three groups : veterans with PTSD, clinicians from the Cincinnati Center for Psychoanalysis, and researchers from the University of Cincinnati Traumatic Stress Study Center. Part I presents seven detailed case studies, each one offering a vivid portrayal of the particular veterans, mostly in his own words, and each one focusing on a specific psycho-pathological feature of PTSD; psychic numbing, developmental arrest, intrusive phenomena, somatoform illness, emergency dyscontrol, paranoia, and dissociative phenomena. Part II describes clinical aspects of the veteran-therapist relationship basing its discussion not only on the seven cases in Part I, but also on all the 37 cases studied in the project. Part III addresses research issues in the treatment project, including a description of current instruments for PTSD and a new one, the Cincinnati Stress Response Schedule, developed by the research team; comparative combat experience and psychological functioning of the treatment sample and other survivor populations ; treatment efficacy and clinical implications ; and observations regarding intrapsychic changes in the veterans upon completion of treatment.