The Pool Activity Level (PAL) Instrument
Designed for the use of carers at home and for professionals in residential and community settings working in the statutory, voluntary, and private sectors, this practical guide provides a framework for developing meaningful occupation for people with dementia. The Pool Activity Level (PAL) Instrument derives from a developmental model which suggests that people with dementia have discrete levels of cognitive ability. Jackie Pool's book enables people with dementia to engage in planned activities appropriate to their level of cognitive functioning, which are targeted to their specific needs, abilities, and interests. Based on a person-centered approach, the PAL instrument helps to maintain the maximal sense of identity and orientation of people with dementia. Already used and recommended by professionals, this resource guides the reader through a series of clear practical steps, using case studies, to enable them to understand, plan, and implement their use of the PAL Instrument. It contains photocopiable activity checklists and activity plans. It also provides guidelines and materials for monitoring the outcomes of the use of the instrument, and applying this assessment to future practice. The Pool Activity Level (PAL) Instrument will be an indispensable resource for carers striving to understand and support people in their experience of dementia.