Go Slow to Grow
Are you always too busy to do the things you really want to do? Do you find yourself unable to take your foot off the pedal despite knowing your wellbeing is suffering? Is feeling stressed, frustrated, and unfulfilled becoming the norm? Do you want to feel more able to live your best life and be the best version of yourself? This book will help you step off the hamster wheel, slow down in life and pay attention to your heart’s desire. Its powerful life enhancing messages will inspire you to reduce stress and make simple changes for the better. Changes that enable you to live a deeper, richer more fulfilling life on your own terms. Jackie Jarvis, business woman and coach, shares her personal journey pushing for what she thought represented success, with honesty and humour. As she learns lessons from what she calls her ‘voice of slow’ she gives guidance on how to stop stressing and over thinking, how to let go of overload and excessive pushing, and most importantly how to slow down and live in a way that quite simply, makes us happy. In this book you will find simple ways to manage stress, powerful reflective questions, and practical wisdom. If you are a reader of Psychologies and Women’s Health Magazines, Go Slow to Grow can also help boost your emotional wellbeing, self-awareness and health and wellbeing. If you enjoyed ‘Calm’ by Fearn Cotton, an authentic and inspiring read, Go Slow to Grow builds on that feeling of inner calm by sharing the importance of slowing down and how to create pockets of slow in your daily life. Or if you were inspired by the wise and beautiful thoughts shared in ‘The Things You Can See When You Slow Down’ by Haemin Sunim, Go Slow to Grow will help you to listen to your inner voice and learn how to slow yourself down. *This book is based on an earlier version titled 'In Pursuit of Slow'